Font Restore MACOSX


I installed 2,000+ fonts from Adobe Fontfolio and now my applications run slow at start up. I added the fonts with FONT BOOK from a folder in documents. I then disabled all the fonts but somehow the fonts still showed up in my apps.

I then installed FONT Agent Pro and using that disabled the fonts. The fonts still show up in my app menus and applications take forever to start up. Seems I've created a mess... What is best way to remove all these fonts and restore my system?? It seems all 2300+ fonts reside in users/admin/library/fonts

Any help is much appreciated.
I've read it's not safe to delete fonts? I tried to delete them with FONT Agent pro but they still show up. Is it safe to delete from users/admin/library/fonts?? I'd hate to delete any system fonts.

What's the best and safest way to remove the fonts?
Yes it is safe to delete them.
Fonts needed by OS X reside in /System/Library/Fonts/. Better don't mess with them…
The other one you should not delete is the HelveticaNeue in /Library/Fonts/, lots of apps need it and don't start up when it's not available.

All others in /Library/Fonts/ are safe to delete, but lots of Apps and Templates (iWork) use Fonts installed there by default.
So I recommend to not delete them, but move them to a Folder /Library/Fonts(OFF)/, that has to be created first.

Hope this helps.
Font Agent Pro and other professional Font Managment apps have their own Folder to store Fonts, so just do as I write above to delete not needed Fonts.

thrashx said:
they still show up.

Delete the Font Caches, you can use this link to download the Script I always use for this. I do System Managment for a Print Service Provider, where Fonts are really an issue, and this script never did any harm…

After that, they should be gone.
To install lots of fonts you really should use professional Font Managment apps. You seem to have a license for Font Agent Pro, if not you can try Linotype Fontexplorer, which is free.