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  1. dlookus

    Apple should release the 'gMac'

    You'll probably be able to buy a PM G4 733 off of eBay for that price in the near future.
  2. dlookus word association!

  3. dlookus word association!

  4. dlookus

    Letter to Steve Jobs

    I don't know about Apple, but my brother-in-law got a rebate from Dell because a new machine was introduced while his was being built.
  5. dlookus

    Your Top 10 CD's

    I recommend this album to everyone. Didn't make my list, but probably one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard.
  6. dlookus word association!

  7. dlookus

    Wait a minute

    It's a mistake. Clearly the screen is not square. The size could also be the Physical size of the entire monitor. And, Yes, the diagonal is what the measurement means.
  8. dlookus

    Your Top 10 CD's

    Mine goes to 11 :D 1. Pixies - Bossanova 2. Beatles - Abbey Road 3. Pixies - Doolittle 4. Radiohead - OK Computer 5. Talking Heads - Remain in Light 6. Soul Coughing - Ruby Vroom 7. Public Enemy - It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back 8. Weezer - Weezer (The first one) 9...
  9. dlookus

    Rant: Quit yer whinin' (QE)

    TellarHK, I'm sorry for the resentment you feel as a result of this thread, but something you pointed out should have been part of my point. No one really knows what QE is going to do for them. We also don't know how much OSX will be optimized for those not using QE. I don't think there's...
  10. dlookus

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    How about the link in the very first post of this thread?:D
  11. dlookus

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    Why do I get the feeling this is going to turn into a "which browser is best" thread?:( I have nothing to add to this discussion of which game system is best. I simply found MS's predicament to be rather humorous. Soul Calibur is the best game ever. That's all I know.:)
  12. dlookus

    What are Cascading Style Sheets and how do I use them?!

    CSS does a lot of things. It gives you much more control over text and images. You can affect leading, margins and things of that natue that you have very little control over in standard HTML. In terms of being a timesaver, you can set up various styles for different tags. You can make...
  13. dlookus

    Jaguar Observations...

    Do you ever get the OS9 style beachball and rainbow disc thingy like I do in IE? I always found that to be strange. Anyone else get that?
  14. dlookus

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    I just have to point out the sweet, sweet irony in this article. Microsoft is losing game titles to Sony because game publishers decide to go with the bigger player. Snippet: Game publishers say it's a simple matter of economics. With Sony having sold more than 30 million PlayStation 2...
  15. dlookus word association!

    Rubble Rubble
  16. dlookus

    ‘Copy-proof’ CDs not copy proof.

    Can't someone just come up with a clever way to make your computer try to read the inner part of the disc (audio) first, before looking for data? The whole protection scheme counts on your computer trying to read the outside first and getting all confused. Could it really be that simple?
  17. dlookus

    iPod Pong secrets... :)

    I thought Pong on the iPod was Woz's doing.
  18. dlookus word association!

    Christopher Columbus
  19. dlookus word association!

    catalog (ahh Apple II plus days):)
  20. dlookus

    Apple aims to boost bandwidth with 1.5GHz G4s

    If you pay attention to the G4 and XServe models, you'll notice that Motorola has had no problems making G4s at 1 GHz. It has always been a problem for them in the past to produce enough of the high end chips. This suggests to me that they should have no trouble getting decent yields of chips...