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  1. L

    how to burn 7B49

    To avoid the 'part 16 problem', mount the image in Toast 6 and then burn the disc.
  2. L

    sherlock channels

    Sherlock works perfectly in 7B28.
  3. L

    The Panther 7B28 Thread

    - Archive function (to zip) makes finder unexpectedly quit. - EyeTV gives unsharp image in fullscreen (was not in 7B21)
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    EyeTV problem

    There's no 'save presets' function. I contacted elgato and they sent me a new beta. That fixed my problem. They also gave some hidden functions.
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    Mac compatible MP3 players (not ipod)

    Nothing beats an iPod (especially not a 30 Gb one). Anyway, this one can record and has a radio built in: iTunes plugin:
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    EyeTV problem

    I bought an EyeTV this week but I have a problem. When I autotune I get a preview of all my channels and I can watch tv. But when I quit and relaunch EyeTV some channels give this screen: When I autotune (exhaustive scan) again all channels are available again. This autotuning takes 15...
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    Safari, any way for it to keep saved window position?

    Go here and look for 'fullscreensafari'.
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    It freezes on my iBook!!! Nothing I can do about it but to restart.
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    Safari!! Where's Tabbed Browsing???
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    sign petition for tabbed browsing in Safari
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    Stupid GoLive 6 question

    Don't know the answer to your problem. But Transmit 2.1 is a very good alternative for using classic. I use it.
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    Picture of your setup

    Noticed two things while reading this succesful thread 1 the mess people live in, 2 Paid .Mac account isn't very popular.
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    stupid golive 6 question

    I know the page properties. Imagine a table. First cel has a black background, the second one a white background. In both cells i have some text with a link. In the first cell i need a white link, in the second a black link. I'm not able to do this.
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    stupid golive 6 question

    It worked! But not with IE 5.2.2 :(
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    big IE 5.2.2 problem

    The problem is that it occurs in ALL pages. In IE 5.2.2 I could hardly read your reply. With a bit of scrolling and selecting and deselecting, all the text appears in the end.
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    big IE 5.2.2 problem

    This problem occurs in IE 5.2.2 and Chimera 0.5 (not in Omniweb) with 10.2.1. The problem is that text is blinking and disappearing, as you can see on my screendump. This is very very annoying, and these apps are almost unusable now. Who know's what is going on? Thanks.
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    Stupid GoLive 6 question

    This should be peanuts for a golive 6 expert. 1) I want to have different colors for links in a page. Not all blue or all black or all whatever. How can i do this? 2) I don't want links to be underlined. How can i do this? I know it can be done but i couldn't find it in 30 minutes...
  18. L

    stupid golive 6 question

    This should be peanuts for a golive 6 expert. 1) I want to have different colors for links in a page. Not all blue or all black or all whatever. How can i do this? 2) I don't want links to be underlined. How can i do this? I know it can be done but i couldn't find it in 30 minutes. Thanks
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    Picture of your setup

    - iBook 500 Mhz Combo, 640 ram - Alcatel Speettouch Home - Zip - SanDisk - Digital Ixus 2.1 - Epson Stylus C60 - Ericsson t65 - Siemens Gigaset 3000 - Sennheiser HDR 30
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    upgrade Titanium 400 mhz to combo

    Can i upgrade my titanium 400 mhz to a DVD/CD-RW (combo)? If so, where on the internet can i buy this? If so, can upgrade it myself?