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    01. Insert the Apple provided 'Mac OS X Install Disc 1'. The disc's 'Mac OS X Install Disc 1' window will appear. 02. Double click on 'Install Mac OS X and Bundled Software' (or equivalent). 03. When prompted to 'Restart' (reboot) the Mac, click on the 'Restart' button. 04. During the...
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    Please help the noob - .pkg Problem

    Consider 'repairing permissions', try again (double-click'ing on the '.pkg' file), and post your results.
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    Little snitch -should I get it?

    'Little snitch - should I get it?' - yes. Particularly, to determine and manage applications / processes which 'phone home'.
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    Hacking the sound-level icon

    The 'audio-level icon' also known as the 'volume' menu bar icon is provided via '' at '/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/'. Do a right button ('<control>' if single button mouse) click on '', and select the 'Show Package Contents' menu item. A window ''...
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    Screen saver on 2nd screen only?

    'Is this possible?' - no.
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    How can i access osX system having forgotten password.

    Read the section titled 'Resetting the original administrator account password' of this link.
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    Eudora Pro is just not loading properly

    15 October 2007 Private Message posted: ' I have followed your suggestion. I downloaded and installed Maintenance per your instructions and ran it. I then downloaded once again Eudora Pro v6.2.4 and upon launching, nothing. The app launched and just did allow for installation. What now? '...
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    Eudora Pro is just not loading properly

    01. Go to 'Titanium's Software' and download 'Maintenance' (freeware) [at a minimum]. 02. Launch 'Maintenance'. You can optionally 'Cancel' the 'Verifying startup volume' process. 03. If not already, place a check mark (at a minimum) in the "Maintenance: 'Verify and Repair Permissions'...
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    Half way there with a AppleSript

    The information provided at Apples' Discussions' AppleScripts' 'From Filemaker to the web' thread cannot be any more clear. You failed to provide the information requested, so further assistance may be provided. Instead, you post your problem (and a portion of a reply) to another web site.
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    folder shorcut

    'is there a way i can make a shortcut ('Command') key (equivalent) to open a specific folder?' - yes; via utility applications such as 'QuicKeys X3' and 'iKey'.
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    How to report bugs to Apple

    'you can see that it says new updates has been found' - no. What you see ... 'New software is available for your computer If you're not ready to install now, you can use the Software Update preference to check for updates later. ' ... is the default display of the 'Software...
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    [10.3.9] Macromedia Studio MX 2004 Won't Start Anymore!!

    01. Make sure you have copies of the latest 'Flash Player' and 'Shockwave Player' installers. 02. Make sure you have copies of the 'Macromedia Studio MX 2004's updates (Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Flash, Freehand). 03. Re-install 'Macromedia Studio MX 2004'. Do not install 'Flash Player'. 04...
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    Blue Screen upon update

    'Any ideas?' - ... Consider using 'SuperDuper' (freeware / shareware [more features]) to copy the bootable external hard disk drives', hdd, installation onto the internal hdd. 01. Boot from the external hdd. 02. Download 'SuperDuper' (onto the external hdd). 03. Perform a 'Copy' from the...
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    Can't delete a start-up/login item

    Possible solution: Navigate to the current users '~/Library/Preferences/' folder, and open 'loginwindow.plist' with 'Property List Editor' (available if the 'Developer' folder was installed, via 'Xcode' installation). 01. Click on the 'Root' and then 'AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary'...
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    Is my Mac mini dead

    '... I was misunderstanding what booting with the Target key means. I thought it would try to boot from a Firewire "disk" conneted on the Firewire port.' - press and keep pressed the '<option>' key during the boot process. All possible 'boot' volumes (installed internally or connected eternally)...
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    Undeletable files?? Help!!

    Sadly, as the result of MacOS X itself or a third party 'disk' utility - a file, files, or folder(s) may be renamed, or 'touched', in such as way, as not to be delete-able. The only solution I know of, which always works - is to backup all the data [less the troublesome item(s)] elsewhere...
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    Is my Mac mini dead

    'She could move the mouse pointer, but the desktop was frozen and unresponsive.' - the 'Desktop' is always frozen and unresponsive, unless you use a third party utility to replace the 'Desktop' (graphic file) with an animation. Perhaps, you mean that 'Finder' and / or the 'Dock' are...
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    Who changed my Safari, and how did they do it.

    Natürlich denn andere Sprachen ersetzen Sie 'English..lproj' mit 'German.lproj', usw..
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    Who changed my Safari, and how did they do it.

    Apple adds, by default, five (5) web site links, and a folder (titled 'News') of links to 'Safari's Bookmark Bar. Individual Links: 'Apple', '.Mac', 'Amazon', 'eBay', and 'Yahoo!'. 'News' folder links: '', 'New York Times', 'Los Angeles Times', 'BBC News', 'CBS MarketWatch', 'CNET...
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    Word 2004 for Mac Footers problem

    'Did you find this information from Microsoft or did you work it out for yourself?' - the latter.