is there a way i can make a shortcut key to open a specific folder?
L LessThanJaker1 Registered Sep 26, 2007 #1 is there a way i can make a shortcut key to open a specific folder?
chevy Marvelous Da Vinci Staff member Mod Sep 26, 2007 #2 Under 10.4, you can drag and drop the folder in the left pane of a Finder window.
B barhar Registered Sep 27, 2007 #3 'is there a way i can make a shortcut ('Command') key (equivalent) to open a specific folder?' - yes; via utility applications such as 'QuicKeys X3' and 'iKey'.
'is there a way i can make a shortcut ('Command') key (equivalent) to open a specific folder?' - yes; via utility applications such as 'QuicKeys X3' and 'iKey'.
jbarley One more, for the road! Sep 28, 2007 #5 "Spark" does the job easily and very well. Did I mention it's also free? jb
"Spark" does the job easily and very well. Did I mention it's also free? jb