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  1. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    Naw... I am not misinterpreting you... The fact is Updates unfortunately always cost money... I am a "Switcher" and I noticed that M$, releases their updates usually 1-2 years within each other... here... I've noticed... 6 major updates from 10.2. I say this because there will be a 10.2.5...
  2. Sirtovin

    MSN Messenger 3.5 Released

    It's still crapola... but I can't complain... I like MSN... :)
  3. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    hehe windows users had to do that sorta.
  4. Sirtovin

    Good Printers?

    The 7550 is a better printer than the 5550 but i didn't want to spend the extra 50 dollars for it.
  5. Sirtovin

    Good Printers?

    I finally brought the HP 5550 Deskjet... No more problems with paper jams... and to me it prints clearer in black and white mode... go figure... lol.
  6. Sirtovin

    Former VP Al Gore on Apple board of directors

    Um... I support the War on Terror etc... but What does this have to do with Al gore and Apple?
  7. Sirtovin

    Apple Shutting Down old Imac line.

    Guys just so we understand... I am not against Imac's at all... :)
  8. Sirtovin

    Apple Shutting Down old Imac line.

    vroom, vroom go for a PowerMac. :)
  9. Sirtovin

    Apple Shutting Down old Imac line. My source March 18 — Five years after debuting the original iMac, Apple Computer has stopped selling the gumdrop-shaped machine to the public. The original iMac, which many credit for restoring Apple Computer to fiscal health and profitability, has been...
  10. Sirtovin

    Sim City 4 for Mac OS X?

    I believe it will be for G3/G4 processors... OS X compatible... proabably 32mb of memory or better... Graphics card must be 32 mb or better also...
  11. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    I look forward to this upgrade... :)
  12. Sirtovin

    US versus Iraq

    I am a Conservative... I support the War in Iraq... This is all I will post on this topic... if you want... go to my website... and than we can talk But not here.
  13. Sirtovin

    Countdown To Orion 3

    I can't wait..
  14. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    Ahhh darn... So ILIFE IS all 4 programs with seprate icons... grrr... Why did Apple do this? When these programs can be downloaded for free... Unless they plan on future upgrades of these products to no longer be free..
  15. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    So those 3 update coupons they give you are useless??? You know the ones that come with new machines?
  16. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    I would still like Ilife incorporated as part of the natural 10.3 panther OS... Rather than have 4 seprate icons... or pay the 49$ to merge them into one single program. I am not asking for too much.
  17. Sirtovin

    Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

    It would be nice if Apple includes Ilife in it... rather than shelling out $49 dollars for it.
  18. Sirtovin

    Countdown To Orion 3

    Anyone else excited... it comes out in about 8 days for Mac. :) Masters of Orion 3 that is.
  19. Sirtovin

    Mac OS 11?

    Hmmm... What do you think the code name will be... Panther is 10.3... so maybe cougar for OS 11... lol :D
  20. Sirtovin

    Mac OS 11?

    ScottW, You just brought up an interesting question for the moderators... :) What happens to this board when OS 11 comes out in say 2 years or before?