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  1. H

    Cursor, Menu and Mouse-Over Problems

    Just to report back for others who may experience this problem. It has been tracked to the faulty BlueTooth Intellimouse. Once removed, the problem disappeared completely. There was an issue with one or more buttons which were not releasing and the mouse was still able to navigate but...
  2. H

    Cursor, Menu and Mouse-Over Problems

    Sorry to be such a Homer, but how to I disable Widgets ? Do I drag the icon from the dock ? One thing that I have now done since my original post is to disconnect and delete the IntelliMouse from my BlueTooth Device list - Seems to me that these things are mouse related so I would start with...
  3. H

    Cursor, Menu and Mouse-Over Problems

    I show exactly the same symptoms on the following machine: MacBook Pro 2.33 Intel core duo 10.4.8 2GB RAM Bluetooth enabled and running Apple BT keyboard & MS BT IntelliMouse I also have my dock hidden at bottom of screen and the cursor does not trigger display of the dock on rollover...