Cursor, Menu and Mouse-Over Problems


Greetings and HELP!

Mouse over not working.
I'm unable to open menus within menus. For example, if was to click on the apple icon on the top left, and put my cursor over "dock", it would not highlight nor open that menu unless the left mouse button is continually depressed. Once the button is released, the menu, and any sub menus, disappear.

Also, the cursor is operating abnormally. It doesn't shift between the I beam cursor and pointer when navigating.

These issues seemingly arose immediately following the installation of Quark 7.

I'd really like to fix this, thank you for reading and any assistance you can offer.

Best regards


Machine Name: MacBook
Machine Model: MacBook1,1
Processor Name: Intel Core Duo
Processor Speed: 2 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 2
L2 Cache (per processor): 2 MB
Memory: 512 MB
Bus Speed: 667 MHz
I show exactly the same symptoms on the following machine:
MacBook Pro 2.33 Intel core duo
Bluetooth enabled and running Apple BT keyboard & MS BT IntelliMouse

I also have my dock hidden at bottom of screen and the cursor does not trigger display of the dock on rollover.

Also had this on my prior MBP G4 1ghz under 10.4.8 which I have just upgraded from using Migration Assistant.

I do NOT use or have installed any Quark apps !

It is sporadic and comes and goes without any pattern I can establish

Vaguely recall this starting 3-4 months ago

Anyone any ideas ?

If you have Widgets enabled, try disabling and see if it makes a difference.
Sorry to be such a Homer, but how to I disable Widgets ?

Do I drag the icon from the dock ?

One thing that I have now done since my original post is to disconnect and delete the IntelliMouse from my BlueTooth Device list - Seems to me that these things are mouse related so I would start with 'the mouse' !

Just to report back for others who may experience this problem.

It has been tracked to the faulty BlueTooth Intellimouse.

Once removed, the problem disappeared completely.

There was an issue with one or more buttons which were not releasing and the mouse was still able to navigate but not correctly registe clicks.

The contacts would reset over indeterminite periods of time time

Thanks for help recieved
