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  1. sirstaunch

    eMac: Will this HD fit?

    Well emacs were made for schools and have been known to survive thrown out of a 14 storey building (well so I heard) but i guess if the HD is not right, could make a profit on ebay maybe. I do have an instruction manual (with video) of changing the hard Drive, so that's cool Thanks for ya...
  2. sirstaunch

    eMac: Will this HD fit?

    Trouble shooting with the Harddrive, "bout to die" Disk Utility tells me, so shopping around for the right drive has been an adventure. The closest I have found for a reasonable price is a SeaGate SE160I78 (Googled the model number and eMac together with no found results). The current...
  3. sirstaunch

    Automator Won't Get Recurring iCal Evnts

    Here's a suggestion I've only just thought of... In iCal set a daily reminder Alarm set to Run Script Select your Automator Script Hope that helps ;)
  4. sirstaunch

    Messenger for Mac issues.... help required please.

    Sorry, nope Mac Messenger Microsoft Messenger For Mac
  5. sirstaunch

    Messenger for Mac issues.... help required please.

    Yeah fryke, I think he may of being refering to Mac Messenger seen it was a .bin file and not Microsofts version of MSN for Mac as that would be a .dmg and that's why I pointed him to Adium, but yet again MSN for Mac was probably in a .bin in early years too, but looks like he's happy now hehe
  6. sirstaunch

    Messenger for Mac issues.... help required please.

    The .bin will open in stuffit What Mac OS are you using? If you are using OSX you will be better off using Adium The old Mac Messenger is probably out_dated now as MSN has changed protocols in their networks and things. And Mac Messenger was made for older Macs to work and hasn't been updated...
  7. sirstaunch

    Eudora loses AddBook

    From memory, any Eudora information such as address and things are saved in the Documents Folder, you should see a Folder in there called Eudora settings etc. But I should say if they are there, Eudora should be reading that information when it launches I hope you can resolve it, nothing...
  8. sirstaunch

    Weird Internet Download Speed Problem

    50kbps is correct for 512 ADSL. When I ran my 512 connection through speedtest my results were 422kb/s for upload and 102kb/s for download. So I'm not actually geting full throttle as I should be, so your results on the test should read higher then mine. Slow web browsing could be Safari it's...
  9. sirstaunch

    Can I expect a new Mac product soon?

    It was June/July 2005 I got my eMac with Tiger installed and won't install anything under that, so what date was Tiger released?
  10. sirstaunch

    antivirus for mac

    ClamAV is really only protecting if we happen to be forwarding emails onto Windows users don't ya think?
  11. sirstaunch


    Sounds like you may require macam for the USB supprt
  12. sirstaunch

    jobs in print queue won't delete

    Although Flying Meat's link is just as a good, but by a big coincidence after seeing this post, I found in Macworld's RSS a Mac OS X hint on cancelling the print job Hint taken from here
  13. sirstaunch

    Itunes organization

    The best way is to let iTunes do this for you. As long as your songs are tagged correctly this method will place artist/album/track name into folders like that. In iTunes open Preferences, click on the advanced tab, and under the general Menu select 'Keep iTunes Music Folder Organised' and...
  14. sirstaunch

    I just saw a little cow walk accross my screen?!

    That's Funny Now where's that Digg button LOL
  15. sirstaunch

    Getting webcam to work

    Usually User name: admim Password: password I had the black image from my cam on Skype the otherday and a simple relaunch of Skype amended it. So whether it's just a bug in Skype or something, give it another go, you'll be able to see the cam in the video tab of Skype's preferences.
  16. sirstaunch

    Loss of images when upgrading

    Look in your pictures folder/iPhoto Library Folder, navigate through all those folders named by the years and go through the numbered folders, do you see the pictures in the Finder? If you do you are safe. You would be better off to move all of the photos out of the iPhoto Libray Folder and...
  17. sirstaunch

    So, in your experience, what went wrong in the Macs?

    Like the hardware upgrades and such, the changes in different types of Macs, from the old 604e processors to the G5 and now the inTel. They needed to pay their Apple service man to be updated to keep his licence, and it was to expensive for them.
  18. sirstaunch

    So, in your experience, what went wrong in the Macs?

    In my town in Victoria AU, there is a resller who once had an Apple repair man and couldn't afford to keep him on, saying the upgrades made it expensive for them to keep training him