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  1. D

    The first seemless Mac OS X Theme

    installation of the seperate download of the theme failed, but i used the online feature of duality, which was able to download and install the A team just fine :-)
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    MacOS X & File Locking

    i suppose you are talking OS X server, and Windows file sharing: In that case: OS X server uses SAMBA for its file sharing. SAMBA has several options you can set to either enable / disable file locking, and inbfluence its behaviour. Of course, Access itsself will take care of locking within...
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    A little word about profanity

    i have visited many boards, i have run many boards, but nowhere, Nowhere there was so much profanity and swearing as on de online TFC and CS game servers we run. until... we started banning each and every puberal kid that was unable to control himself, or other individuals that thought...
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    iBook power problem

    standard warranty is 12 months, so that should be no problem. Changes of on the spot repair are just about zero i think, just about all repairs all handled by centralized repair centers
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    iBook power problem

    Hi, Since you have 2 power supply's showing the samen problem, its probaly the socket on the mainboard. If it's an out of warranty iBook you'rse out of luck, cause they probaly will replace the entire mainboard (the "new" modulair repair system) In that case, you'de better solder it yourself.
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    What do you think about the new iMac?

    if it comes with a wireless keyboard & mouse it would realy craete a lot of space on the desk, i like the idea :-)
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    What is this!!!? new iMac?

    looks like the door of a washing machine taking from the side
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    What a RIOT! Proof iWalk is FAKE! (MOVIE)

    it is a alightly slowed german voice saying; JA JA SEHR GUT, JA which simply means YES YES VERY GOOD, YES nothing special there
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    At least the handwriting demo seams doctored, you have to run it a few times, but if you look closely, you can see the supposed iThing move because of the writing, while at the same time the text on the display does not.
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    remaining reasons for forcing us back into OS 9?

    - Lotus Notes. (and i suppose that's gonna be for a while ..)
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    if you would like to download 10.1...

    Avengers's download site speed around 128kbits/sec all the way form Holland :-))
  12. D

    OS X connection to Novell ?

    Another option, altough not as "clean" as a direct connection; If you have at least 1 NT server, and say, multiple Novell servers, you can setup a gateway to the Novell servers from the NT machine. (Gateway swervice for netware). With that set, you can connect the OSX machines to the...