What do you think about the new iMac?

What do you think about the new iMac?

  • Oh yea! I really want it!

  • Holy sh*t... Get off!

  • To be honest, I have to get more information on this baby before answering such question.

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The Most Stupid Member
Looks like a table lamp to me!!!!!!!
hell i have one of thoes on my desk now!!!!!!!!!
Sorry guys i just dont like it!!!!!!!!!
but what do you expect comming from a guy who still likes the
look of the bage g3 miny tower the best
thats when macs lookes like macs!!!!
please dont flame me!!!!!!
just my O.P.
Yea, it looks like a table lamp to me too.

I think I would like it if I get more information about it!

if it comes with a wireless keyboard & mouse it would realy craete a lot of space on the desk, i like the idea :-)
I just don't get it. I need an explanation of how one is supposed to use it. Then maybe I'll like it. Sooking at it as though it's a replacement for my current computer, I hate it. As a lamp, I'd rather it reflected light off of the ceiling like a torchiere lamp reducing eyestrain and minimizing shadows. As a blender, it would seem to ... not blend.

I'm holding full fledged opinion until I see how this thing is supposed to be used.
LOL thats funny Naz
but i really like the new imac design at first i was what the f***
but over the last hours it has grown on me i have to see the picture again and again. To bad though i hope steve has more up his sleeve cause otherwise the pre expo hype might be ruined!
LOL thats funny the iCap...
so far, i don't like it, but you can't tell very much from that picture. so, for now, i'm taking a wait and see attitude.
I first looked at it and thought - yeuuurrgh

However it's a a grower.

The more I think about it and the more I look at my angle poise lamp I think how cool would it be to have a pooter like that.

The angle poise is a design classic and hopefully this mac is too.

The flexibility of a pooter like that is maginificent I spend my whole life shuffling my old skool Imac about and an easily adjustable version that takes up little desk space is fantastic.

I'm all for it. It's very different and I think that's part of it's problem - it no longer looks like a pooter. People won't be able to get their heads round it for a while, but once they do everyone will see the benefits.

ooooh I could crush a grape. ;)
HAHAHAH shut up all of you, you guys are just in self-denial, thinking little Steve would pull off something greater than this...

The only thing that doesn't keep me for saying this is a total failure, is the cost!

We'll soon enough know how much this tin can costs.
Apple keeps missing the boat. They need to bring the cube back (and not over-price it this time).

I have a perfectly good 17" VGA monitor. Why should I have to pay for a smaller 15" screen that I don't want?

Or they should at least offer a 17" panel.


I'm surprised that nobody likes it. I think it's really cool. It's exactly what I want. The fact that it has a G4 just gets me really excited. I didn't expect that.

It's fast and it's priced well. As for it's looks, I think it's attractive and functional. I have an iBook (the new kind) and a thinkpad in the house. I'm typing this on the iBook and my wife is fussing at me for taking the "good" computer. That tells me something about what my next machine should be.
Check this... $1800 for what a $5000+ PowerMac G4 can do.

now if that right there isn't beautiful itself, i don't know what is!

but hey, this design is excellent. that photo doesn't do the iMac any justice so we will wait on the high quality PR photos tomorrow (or after the keynote)

well... i'll talk to ya after I SEE IT IN PERSON!

bye! :D

"It's off to see the wizard... the wonderful wizard named Steve!" - ok, that's a bit much, but o well!
It IS form follows function. It's not just a fixed table lamp, it's very much what the computer should be. You need that base to allow the movement they gave the monitor. I wish they'd have made the display a modular option so that 2 years from now you could drop a 17" phlat panel on that neck if'n you want to.

I like it now.