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  1. T

    Strange volume

    I have a strange volume on my desk top called "identity" It looks like its some sort of removeable drive or something but nothing is connected and i dont know why I would have anything named identity. It says it was created on Thursday the 18th of January 07 and it was last modified on the...
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    How does everyone feel about the Macless Macworld?

    I agree with you completely. Slowly i come across over all these none computer products apple released that never worked and now they are doing it all again (with jobs) and everything they released looks so great. I have a tiny feeling (thats slowly growing) in the bottom of my stomach that...
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    Mac Pro Cube !!

    Why buy a half arsed Power Mac when you could save a little more and get a real one that wont be age so quickly? (atleast speed and storage wise) And if you upgraded in the future it would cost a ton more than if you just saved that little bit more in the begining. If they brought out a cheap...
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    MacWorld Expo 2007 summary

    Maybe apple have finnaly become *The Perfect Company* :|
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    Iphone no compared to Zune

    I cant believe apple's design team. I really cant. A couple of weeks ago when iTunes Store was released in New Zealand there was segment on the news/media type of program on TV where they interviewed a guy that started the first online music store and done all these other great technological...
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    What I dont like about mac (tell me what you think)

    I would have to disagree with that. I find it much better. The single button on my pBook is massive and never a hassle, even when I used it as a single button only. Now that i use a second button via my trackpad its even better, i dont have to look where i put my fingers, i just drop a second...
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    What I dont like about mac (tell me what you think)

    I have an older G4 powerBook, with only one button usability too but i found a program called iScroll2 (theres another application similar but i think you have to buy it) Anyways, iScroll2 adds all the functions of the new MacBooks. If you put two fingers on the trackpad and click it acts as a...
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    Leopard's new look

    Time Machine-Lite, is what im talking about :P I would be happy with a cleaner more resolved Tiger look. I love the crisp, shiny white menu bar running along the top of my screen with a calming blue desktop (I use the standard desktop image, it makes my pBook seem more like a mac :) ) I cant...
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    I got some great ideas (for games)

    He makes some damn fine games! Everyone who reads this post should try Black Shades from his website, amazingly different FPS, small download too if I remember. Any advice from him would be very valuable.
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    QuarkXPress or InDesign?

    Heres a little bit from me representing the future designers of the south pacific :) I just finnished my 2nd year of Design School where, in one assignment we were introducted for the first time to Quark and ID, we were given both programs to choose from and our tutors could teach other...
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    Dial up via ethernet

    ahh, so does that mean that if another computer is connected to me dial ethernet they are connected to the internet through me? I was wondering if i could connect to the internet using only my ethernet
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    Dial up via ethernet

    So how to i get my ethernet port to share my dial up connection?
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    Dial up via ethernet

    I was wondering if it was possible to configure the ethernet port in my 12' pBook to connect to my dial up connection? cheers
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    Argh, just found the iCar : Surely its not that hard to come up with a better name?!
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    one product i can think of is iDog ( ) I allways see cheap electronic products using the 'i' thing to help sell themselves. maybe its just a New Zealand thing...
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    and so have other companys. dont you hate companys that steal the i from apple and use it in their own product names? grrr
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    External mac drive on Windows

    I have encounted problems with copying data onto a FAT32 formated drive, most of the files duplicate themselves. if i put 'image.jpg' onto my external hard drive. I end up with image.jpg and _image.jpg. Is there any way i can prevent this?
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    External mac drive on Windows

    I thought i would need a 3rd party program. Whats the chance of there being a freeware or shareware option? I heard something about FAT32 once but i couldnt figure out how to format as FAT32 with disk utility. I use the hard drive as a backup so i could erase it, copy what i want onto it for...
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    External mac drive on Windows

    Im not really a switcher and this is kind of a reverse switch thread but anyways... My parents have a oldish PC with windows ME on it and i was wondering if there was a way to connect my external mac drive up to it. whenever i connect it the computer can recognise that there is an external...