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  1. S

    Jaguar last build is …_?

    satan you make that sound as though you're's a beta build, not evne that...a developer build. Stuff breaks al lthe time until they finalize all the code. Don' use jaguar yet and expect it to work perfectly, that said one of the earlier builds right after the WWDC was...
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    This Is The Best Idea

    good god! please don't even think about combining the two programs. THey are oth intended to do differnt things and o them well. This is a much better approach compared to the jack of all trades that is WMP. Besides knowing how many 3rd party apps are based on quicktime, there's no need to...
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    xbox to lose M$ 1.1 billion

    Microsoft loses money on each system they sell. THis is a common marketing ploy that both Nintendo and Sony also use to simply push their products out of the door and increase their market share. Just because Microsoft is losing money at this point and time and to at leats some degree into the...
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    Jaguar Can Over-Clock?

    Not in Jag right now but I believe this is more an option for laptops to go from normal to low speed to conserve battery life. I doubt you can simply select Faster and have the processor overclock itself. That would come in handy though.
  5. S

    A new Jaquar feature...

    Hey would it be too much trouble to lets us choose a flat color?! Tinkertool lets me center a pic or resize it although I would prefe that be built in too. But even if i do decided to center a picture I am stuck with the blue background! Running at 1792x1344 it's hard o find desktops that are...
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    Which Mac Magizine?

    Mac Addict is a good read, has little useful information though. Just liek lal the others they fall sadly short of any news you cna get on the internet. I'd have to mention the excellent MacDesign magazine...formely MacToday IIRC. Edited by Scott Kelby (author of Macintosh: The Naked Truth, a...
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    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Yeah that showtime tiBook ad is simply hilarious. It's so prominent and does well..nothing at all for the plot. THey give eddie murphy some stylish mac in there too when they redo his office. Also recently sighteded and most likely noted by many. The latest x-files episode has Scully in...
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    Mac surfing speeds slaughtered in Wired

    uh sadly it's fairly close to the tuth. IE and many others simply suck at rendering pages. My old 333 k6 back home does a better job than my dual 533g4. I'm willing to accept that Apple's a smaller company and has fewer resources to put into it's OS, not to mentino they do the hardware too...
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    New M&M color aqua Quick everybody click the link above to vote for the new M&M color: AQUA!! We need to show our support for our color here. Of course if you want to you can suggest new colors like titanium or graphite.
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    Wireless Flat Planel Display!

    Yeah turhfully I would love to see this sort of tihng for the Mac. Hell, as someobdy pinted out on slashdot just running a VNC client on one of these pads would theoretically work fine. So technically all Apple needs is a small lcd with maybe 128mb of ram expandable to, i do't know; 1gb for...
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    What shareware apps have you registered?

    WindowShade and Graphic Converter! Couldn't live without those two at all. BTW anybody know how to unreigster a cracked copy of GC? I entered a serial to see how fast it woudl load up without a splash as I wasn't goign to buy it if it was slow as I open it quite a bit, and now I can't...
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    Apple Remote Desktop!!!!!!!!

    While I realize the importance of this sort of program and I am extremely impressed with it don't get me wrong... But I'd really want like the opposite of this thing, similar to what Windows XP has. and no, I despise XP. But I'd find it a lot more useful than ssh. I mean the windows user...
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    Startup Screen

    Yeah UI'm pretty mcuh done with the single user loginpanel.. But the mutliuser one is simply difficult to work with at is resizes dynamically. And does the bootpanel have a .nib anywhere? I've yet to find it.
  14. S

    Startup Screen

    I'm working on developing a graphical enhancement for OSX. Truthfully I'm a big fan of the graphite aqua theme they have provided us with, although it would be nice if I could edit it anyway... however in lieu of that I'm attempting to make a theme that compliments it. I'm talking icons...
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    Shady Dell Advertising

    I'd love to see a 1984 quality commerical for the new iMac. No need for some spokesperson or anything, just a powerfully different advertisement that makes people question their very existence, their very way of life. Ask themselves if that's what they really want. Or we could just do some...
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    Shady Dell Advertising

    ahahahah that site is the funniest thing I've seen in a long long time. Sadly, it's not a joke. How aggravating...
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    Shady Dell Advertising

    Sorry I didn't mean "kid" to be a derrogatory term in reference to age. I'm 18 myself, hopefully I still count as a kid :). I just can't picture anybody taking him seriously. I mena I'm sure we've all reccomended computers to people, but he doesn't even offer a reaosn why we really should by...
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    I just thought of something

    Well, I think a larger capacity iPod is not out o the question by at leastMWNY. i mean toshiba does have the 10 and 20gigs out now right? So I could see the price of the 5gig come down to maybe $299 and the 10gig might slide in at the usual $399. Althogh I woiuldn't mind the 5 go down to 199...
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    Shady Dell Advertising

    Yeah that kied scares the hell out of me...or more precisely the fact that people trust him to recommend computers to them. I mean really now, would you entrust this kid with..well anything?! Why would anybody listen to him? I think i read some blurb about him a really old Entertainment...
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    Shady Dell Advertising

    Not sure it's an iBook or anything but yeah it is extremely similar and it's no on their site unless I'm looking in the wrong place. Why not call them up and ask to purchase the laptop featured in the ad?