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    WAR CRAFT 3 -This Is For All The People That Can't Wait To Get And Play WAR CRAFT 3

    So if they're aiming for a simultaneous release why are Mac's not included in the Beta test? Figures..I'm not booting up the ole' PC for any game no matter how great it may be.
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    Cool huh ?

    ok so aside from the aqua skin, where's the preemptive multitasking? the protected memory? the symmetric multiprocessing? te unix core? I may look like OSX but i wouldn't kid myself into thinking it really is. There's more to it than just the pretty face. but hey I guess it's cool that...
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    Somehow my Localhost got renamed...

    Yeah this really baffled me when I first saw it but thanks for the help Slur.
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    Somehow my Localhost got renamed...

    Ok I'm sure everybody knows that when they go int oterminal they should get a prompt like this: [localhost:~] michaelc% Well for some reason upon returning home from college for the holidays my Local ISP decided to modify that. I plugged my G4 into the network and now whenver I go into...
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    MWSF - Apple sets expectations high

    Ok I'm willing to put forth my guesses, though lamentably it's a shot in the dark... Speedbumped G4s 1.0, 1.2, and 1.4 ghz Gigawire will make it's presence known DDRAM will probably work it's way into then ew systems as well. Some update for the iPod or a totally new device altogether...
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    folder refreshing

    Yeah the finder refresh in OSX sucks for me too. I mean I understand that stuffit thing sort of..although I would really like the icons to pop up right away even If it was placed on the desktop by a background app. What I find equally annoying if not more so, dragging pictures from the...
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    Installing OS X from CD Image

    I';m sure you coudl try tossing it on a firewire device..hmm maybe even the ipod, and booting off that in target mode or somethign. i have noidea if this would work or not though. why would you not have a cd/dvd drive anyway?
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    DVD Player Update is out...

    I've wondered this myself...if you have dedicated cards for video and audio, why not have one dedicated to decoding dvds? I mena software based solutinos alsmot seem liek a backwards step.
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    DVD Player Update is out...

    I'm pretty sure al lthe pakcages you install fomr software upate and other sources are save in library/receipts...just sang it fomr there and you should be fine
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    DVD Player Update is out...

    Hey I was just wondering... I've got a 533DP G4 Digital Audio system, I don;t have a combo drive or any dvd playback. I was just wondering how i'd go about tossing a second optical drive in the tower. I mean what do I do with the font bezel. Is there anyway to get another spring loaded one...
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    I've bene usin the past 3 versions of SNAX of and on. I'd go install it real quick and give it a try. It doesn't actually put components anywhere so if you odn't like it you can just drag the .app to the trash. Basically SNAX sets out to be a Finder replacement. Yeah it's not bad, but it's...
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    OK I'm sure others have seen this but the Gamecube from Nintendo is powered by and IBM PowerPC Chip( ) Codenamed Gekko this is apparently the same or obviously very similar to the G3s. My question is does this mean that...
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    Allaire (macromedia) Homesite: Is it finally here?

    arggghh....why would they not port this? It's so much better than BBEdit and Dreamweaver combined for web scripting. The sales of this would easily pay for whatever reworking of code is necessary I'd imagine. Figures. God I miss Homesite.
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    Slight System Speed Inrcrease

    I tried doing this and it only actually prebound like 40 of my applications, told me it could do all of them for some reason. I figure that's prolly not the best sign.. in any event do you tihnk this falls under the mind over matter category? Cuz the few things it did manage to prebind didn't...
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    Apple & Blueboxing

    Yeah, i know they dabbled in Blueboxes for the hell of it. Apparently they found the AT&T code/tone bok in some university basement library. The best tellign of this tale was pbs's "Triumph of the Nerds" It was produced by err...Cringely I think, exclelent production. Therte's a second...
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    full sreen mode

    Yeah I get this problem as's rather annoying ain't it. No idea how to fix it sadly. Hopefulyl somebody will figure it out. BTW I'm using an AGP Radeon 32mb DDR and a Mitsubishi Diamondpro 900u 19" Monitor...what are you running? Anybody know if this a hardware, or a driver/software...
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    I took the risk and ran it just for kicks. I think I can attribute my cd-rw not working to this update. Nothing was mounting, the eject keys on the keyboard stopepd working etc. Oher thna that nothing else went wrong, not liek that's a minor problem. But it was easily fixed but reinstallign...
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    Disable Live resizing

    Yeah just to add ot that note about programs using outline resizing..The crappy beat of AIm we've bene stuck with for sometime now (God dammit we need an update:( ) uses outlines for resizing it's windows..though truthfully it takes a whiel for it to redraw once you do resize. I'm sure that...
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    please someone tell me its possible

    I'm sure you are but make sure you're using osx 10.1. I have a g4 and with my 19" i couldn't get many resolutions I could in 9 until I got the 10.1 update. Other than that I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. Maybe it has to do with the opengl acceleration.
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    Jaguar - Mac OS X 10.2

    Maybe i woudl take a lot of coding..bu hwo about thye give us the optinos for lal of these things. For instance to negate the ahaha "Mom" test, just simply require an admin password to turn it on in the firstp lace in the preference panel. Moms != Admins So that fixes that. and then the...