

Mac Freek
Has anyone tried the 10.1.1 update that is going around garracho?, and if so can you tell me what kind of improvements it has?.

my friends computer screwed up after he tried installing it.

REAL bad. i suggest not installing it. although i have it on my carracho server, i dont plan on updating anytime soon unless i want to blow up my computer or something like that.:D
I took the risk and ran it just for kicks. I think I can attribute my cd-rw not working to this update. Nothing was mounting, the eject keys on the keyboard stopepd working etc. Oher thna that nothing else went wrong, not liek that's a minor problem. But it was easily fixed but reinstallign OSX form the 10.1 update cd. It just overwrote the BSD layer I had screwed up and al lwas well in the world again.

No reason to install this though
Originally posted by Snyper M
Oher thna that nothing else went wrong, not liek that's a minor problem. But it was easily fixed but reinstallign OSX form the 10.1 update cd. It just overwrote the BSD layer I had screwed up and al lwas well in the world again.

Looks like it messed up your keyboard, too. :p
Ive ran the the updates (first on nonessential partitions of course) I am now running 5m26 for all my computing with no problems at all. been running it for about 5 days. All is well.
The one oddity is that during the gray screen there is a moment when the spinning cursor is forzen but then begiins to spin again and boots normally. Luckily I dont reboot much :)

Maybe it screwed up my ekyboard too :)! he h
So is there any reason to go get this? So far it sounds like it has messed things up or at best kept things the same as in 10.1. Any changes in functionality or speed?
I have seen no noticeable improvement or negatives. Just that feeling of knowing youre running the latest. yknow.
You can get information both at www.railheaddesign.com and www.thinksecret.com. I think both of these sites are more realistic than www.macosrumors.com.

As for my opinion, unless the pre-release update to OS X that you want to install is a major update, I recommend not installing it. As you all have shown, there are usually little to no improvements and probably some problems that crop up with them. So, please, we'll all thank you if you wait for 10.2 prerelease builds to infiltrate Carracho (:D), and install THAT, so we don't have to try and troubleshoot problems with OS X builds most of us don't have. ;)
No big improvements, but no serious problems either. I have had 2 or 3 Finder quits since installing 5M26, but they don't affect any other app.
The Read-Me says that the big improvements with this one are increased support for USB burners and printers.
I did notice that build 5M13 is also showing up in various places. Maybe that's the one that hoses some systems.
OS X 10.1.1 is out along with the Airport 2.0 software, both available via Software Update.

And the build is..... (drum roll please)..... 5M28!!!! So ha, I beat all of you. ;)
after installing the update my finder is much more snappy it does not behave like it used too the update has no side effect or anything like that
Originally posted by simX
OS X 10.1.1 is out along with the Airport 2.0 software, both available via Software Update.

And the build is..... (drum roll please)..... 5M28!!!! So ha, I beat all of you. ;)

heres a good one... my software update says an error occurred during update checking!!! So there is one noticeable difference with the 5m26 update :) errrrr
I updated both a 333Mhz iMac, and a 867Mhz Quicksilver using software update, and I've found NO PROBLEMS AT ALL!!

The only thing I've noticed is you can now view "all headers", or "raw source" in Mail.app and the finder seems to be much snappier... espically on the iMac.

Installed the installer update 1.0.. re-ran software update (w/o rebooting) and installed 10.1.1 (rebooted after update) without problems others have been mentioning.

I'm still wondering why it takes so freakin long to install updates.. the installer update took a good 15 minutes in it's "optimizing" phase.. 10.1.1 took at least 30 minutes doing it.

Sofar I haven't noticed any diffs other than the version number update. Mabey they'll get around to adding proper SCSI support so Adaptec can make my Plextor CD-R useful again.. one of these days..

G4-500, 1G-RAM, 2x30G HD, Rage128Pro, PCI Radeon, (2) 17" Applevision monitors.