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  1. L

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    One of my partitions is named "stuff", along with the million or so folders with stuff in the name. To no one in know it's a hard drive and yet feel the need for "HD" in the name...just curious, why? :D
  2. L

    desktop panel won't recognize images

    That happens to me from time to time, usually when I just want to test a desktop pic or pattern (I don't change often). If I log out and back in it's fine then.
  3. L

    Solarwinds Screensaver - WOW!

    I have to agree, still one of my favorites, that and SereneScreen ( I don't use a screensaver, but sometimes have itunes going and just staring at either one of them. :D
  4. L

    Help! No Preferance Panes In System Preferences!!!!!!!

    Use a boot cd to change the startup disk. And ask before you install anything on anyone's computer. :D <a href=""><img src=""</a>
  5. L

    Changing login name

    Make a new user with the new name. Delete the old user. Reassign the old files to the new user. This is taking into consideration you're not going to use the old user any longer.
  6. L

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    I may be wrong, but I believe it's derived from "fubar". You'll see "foo" and "bar" used especially when it comes to programming. <a href=""><img src=""</a>
  7. L

    RealPlayer in Classic mode?

    Same here, RealPlayer8 and RealPlayer8 Plus...on three different machines (two 867's and a Wallstreet).
  8. L


    If you want REALLY fast access to your iDisk, try this. I haven't actually mounted an iDisk in at least 6 months, even with 10.1.5 it's still MUCH slower than with Goliath.
  9. L

    Quark 5.01 out now...Not OS X Native yet:(

    Does she want/NEED to switch, or is it you that wants her to switch...and why? "Quark sucks" is not an answer. Contrary to popular belief, Quark is fine. It's just a BashQuark movement going around just because it's not carbon. I work in prepress, and have no problem distilling Quark files to...
  10. L

    Picture of your setup

    I just measured,your mouse pad is .03 degrees off being might want to fix it. :p
  11. L

    Users connected

    woops..that's what I get for speed reading and trying to answer as I'm running out the door for work, no it doesn't show LAN users...sorry about that. I read your workaround, thanks that was a big help, I guess I'd missed it when it was posted, I'd wondered about that "problem" used to...
  12. L

    [newbie] trouble after reinstall - classic won't run

    Hi Ed, No complaints at all. My two machine's running osx have *never* crashed. My Wallstreet, when updating to 10.1.5 had a kernel panic, I'd forgotten I had DoubleCommand on there, even though I knew it would panic if it was there, thankfully I'd read about it days before...
  13. L

    Users connected

    Type "w", or "who", although w gives a little more info.
  14. L

    [newbie] trouble after reinstall - classic won't run

    Interesting, I've never heard or read that before, mine is set up the same way (3 partitions, OS9, OSX and storage, in that order).
  15. L

    Adobe PressReady for OS X?

    Considering they've officially stopped *selling* PressReady, my guess is no. Those who bought will only have support until October '02.
  16. L

    Weird Consol Messages

    Ahhh Logitech, I was kinda close. :D
  17. L

    Partitioning Question

    It was my impression it would only do it if it was used to format the drive in the first place, otherwise it would'nt be able to partition without formatting.
  18. L

    Weird Consol Messages

    Your mouse driver does that, Kensington, or MS mouse...or another brand, I forget which. Someone with a sense of humor though. :D
  19. L

    images and text not appearing in explorer

    I get a similar situation *sometimes* but it's a white page instead of black, if I click and drag everything appears. This seems to be a problem for others as well. I can't pin down why/when it does it though.
  20. L

    2 Partitions... one for OSX and other for OS9

    That was really my point, there's no *safe* way of changing that partition without affecting the other. There "might be a way" yes, but as of now, there is no "set" way of doing it. In other words, if there is anything important on the partition that's to be left alone, I would't try it (short...