desktop panel won't recognize images


Inventor of the Egg Wave
For some reason, I cannot drag an image to the desktop sys. pref. to make it by wallpaper. Also, upon selecting an enclosing folder within desktop pref, no images show up, even if the folder is full of 'em. So basically I am stuck with apple's stuff (no complaints) or a few folders of older pictures. I'm not sure when this happened, but it was recent. I am using 10.1.5.
are you trying to use pc format "wallpaper"? it doesn't work on mac. i will repeat myself from another recent thread - macs don't use wallpaper. we have desktops or desktop images. these are normally jpegs.

could be that you don't have a properly formatted image if they aren't showing up.
jpgs and images pulled from the web. i'll try to reformat them as something else. (but they do pull up fine in Preview).
no, jpegs should work. are you using any kind of desktop image switcher that changes the desktop every so often?
Originally posted by dave17lax
For some reason, I cannot drag an image to the desktop sys. pref. to make it by wallpaper.
That happens to me from time to time, usually when I just want to test a desktop pic or pattern (I don't change often). If I log out and back in it's fine then.
What you said is exactly what happened to me an hour ago, because I didn't have quicktime (don't ask). Anyway, I hope this will be your solution too: you need some sort of picture viewer, like: "PictureViewer":D Otherwise it won't even recognize the pics. I don't know if this is your problem though..
Could you check something?
In the window where you can set the pattern and picture, the specs of the pattern and picture are shown. Now you must have had a picture previously, so it's specs will be listed there. If the specs say 0 x 0, 0k, it means you have the same problem I had; download Quicktime. (comes with PictureViewer)
ed: no i am only using the default osx stuff.
level9: this might be it. i can't remember when the last time was that i
logged off/shutdown.
but i think i have so maybe not. we'll see as soon as i get home.
rps: no it's not that...i can view them in preview, photoshop, etc. i
even exported one to a pdf, no beans.

i'll try more stuff and report back!