Search results

  1. L

    OS X.2 What do YOU want??

    Yeah but I don't really use it, I've used DragThing for years and prefer the way it handles things, plus the ability to add command keys for items in it is worth it's weight in gold. I have command keys set up to open just about everything I use. How about the ability in the Dock PrefsPane to...
  2. L

    buffer underrun

    I have not had ONE single buffer underrun in the last three years, once I found out about upping the memory in Toast's prefs, almost all of those have been data and not audio. And in case no one has seen it, check out Toast's Dock icon (5.1). Yes, that's a progress bar. Cool. :D
  3. L

    OS X.2 What do YOU want??

    Ahhh yeah, the ability to turn off the dock also. And pop-up windows, now those I used all the time.
  4. L

    Closed, Opened, and Closed Again!

    I third that. Over moderation kills a board, I can't understand why a thread needs to be locked in the first place. I was just reading the Manic-bashing thread, and was DYING to post at the end...locked...bleh.
  5. L

    OS X.2 What do YOU want??

    Off the top of my head: -windowshade...and not WindowShadeX. -sping loaded people will shut up already (I never liked them). -the ability for my wallstreet to sleep without the fan running when unplugged. I shut down now, which kills me because it wakes in about two seconds...
  6. L

    Using The F-Keys

    Not on my machine, but like I said, it's not a problem with an eject key.
  7. L

    neXt -- theme

    I've been using Iridium Quicksilver (since it came out), out of curiousity, besides Extras.rsrc, what else gets changed/replaced? Let us know when it's available...(waiting not so patiently). :D
  8. L

    neXt -- theme

    I've been dying for a NeXT theme, been using it in OS9 for several years now. Can't wait to see it available (hint, hint). I prefer the second version, btw. The dark title bar, and as someone mentioned, a darker scroll bar (it is kinda hard to see at first glance). I also wonder what a progress...
  9. L

    found this by accident: minimize egg.

    Works on maximize as well, not sure how many knew that. The other day I was surprised to find out a guy I know, using macs longer than I have, didn't know half of the screenshot key commands (pre-OSX)...go figure.
  10. L

    Using The F-Keys

    QuicKeys Going "back" in IE...using cmd-left arrow, easier for me than to use delete. Not necessarily easier, I've just been doing it so long. This comes from years of Photoshop, to us PS users, the "home row" is not A-S-D-F, but Control-Option-Command-Spacebar. :D
  11. L

    Using The F-Keys

    Once I updated to 10.1.2 the F12 key quit opening the cd tray, after I just got used to it. No big deal though, I use a pro keyboard. "F5 refreshes..." for me it's easier to hit Cmd-R, since my left hand is almost always on the keyboard (thumb on command key).
  12. L

    Download The MacOSX Features Guide!

    Ahhh gotcha. I have both, OS9 for work and the other for home. Didn't think to look into the icon resources, guess I shoulda. Nice work, btw. If I have time over the weekend, I was going to look through it and see if there's anything I can add to it. :D
  13. L

    Is it just me or...

    yep. (posting "yep" to every thread, until I catch up to AdmiralAK...thanks for playing) :D
  14. L

    Download The MacOSX Features Guide!

    I just want to know how you got the OS9 version's icon to be "invisible". Invisible in the sense that if you click on the icon itself, it's as if it's "clear", meaning it doesn't highlight. Even if you drag-select (marque), it does the same thing, you *must* click on or highlight the file name...
  15. L


    No. I've heard mixed reviews if they'll have it with OS X at all, it's not in OSXS yet either...AFAIK.
  16. L

    Everyone, Read This!!!!!!!!!!

    I'd rather go back to the "gah" thread. :(
  17. L

    AIM hack

    There *was* something on, I don't remember what it's called. I use Adium, but not very much.
  18. L


    You're welcome. Speaking of scanners, I wonder if there are any deals on the skinny Canon N1240U scanner....hmmm.
  19. L


    Before I updated iTunes to v2, I stuffed v1.1.2, I put it HERE for you. I'll keep it there for a day or so, I'll need the space back soon. :rolleyes:
  20. L

    Sum1 Please Help............

    h3||Z yA i c u r 2 |33† 4 |V|3 \/\/h0† i sHud 0ƒ sAiD \/\/úZ \/\/3L©0m3 (I think I'll go shoot myself now)