Closed, Opened, and Closed Again!

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BlingBling 3k12

Somewhere... dunno though
"Eh... Apple hyped to much!!!!!!!!!!" has been closed for posting once AGAIN. I would like to know why alot of things are being closed all of a sudden...

if the admin wants stability in his forums, he should get rid of the ones that are causing all the problems... sorta like one of the numerous windows software patches... except this time it will make it all better!
I third that.

Over moderation kills a board, I can't understand why a thread needs to be locked in the first place. I was just reading the Manic-bashing thread, and was DYING to post at the end...locked...bleh.
It's not a nice place here. You must own a Macosxcomputer. ManicDVLN has paid a WindowsXP computer. It is very difficult to follow. I have ordened a g4 for nothing and 350Bef as transport. They can say...error. If I get this computer I had to make some place to put it also in the internetroom or place it somewhere I see it at least. I must come there much (the internetroom, my sleepingroom and the kitchen). If it is possible two change the broadbandconnection from one computer to another... I'm thinking in this direction.
I don't believe I closed that forum, maybe I did, maybe the moderator did. Since I have not talked with the moderator to see the reasoning behind it or even if he or I did it... either way... the source of a cancer has been removed and I will free reopen that thread... in exchange... I am closing this one. :)

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