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  1. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I definitely do NOT want soiled ones, and again, I only want them if they fit me and look cute. J
  2. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Notre Dame is that big Catholic university with the football team. It's right outside scenic South Bend(over). J
  3. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    If your underwear were cute and it fit me I might want it.
  4. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    <---Dioxin free
  5. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Cripes! You can see my face on this thing?!
  6. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I wanna souvenier!!
  7. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Vacation. What would that be like I wonder... J
  8. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Tempt away! Doubles sounds real good about now. It is -4 here this morning. Cripes! Who thought this was a good place for a college?! I would define vomit proof as either 1) easily wiped off, or 2) patterned in such a way as to hide the presence of vomit, chunky or plain. J
  9. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    >i don't think it's 100% vomit-proof... it's got a few bugs... does the room >have anything that runs on windows? Vomit runs on windows. Walls too. Another vodka tonic por favor? J
  10. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Vomit proof AND a donut maker?!?!?!! I'm so there!! J Can I please have a vodka tonic if I promise not to vomit for a bit?
  11. J

    AdmiralAk and all the Applecrew please watch this

    No, really, my friends and I have watched it a few times, but the ending is SO cliche! I mean c'mon! The last Apple logo did exactly the same thing ;) J
  12. J

    Suddenly, there are MANY of me

    Any idea what might cause it? I can't come up with any logical process that would make this happen. I suspected it was when my computer was idle and then active (persistent connection type thing), and that sorta seemed the case for a bit, but then it just started happening anyway. It doesn't...
  13. J

    AdmiralAk and all the Applecrew please watch this

    I looked for about 45 minutes, but then I got sorta bored. J
  14. J

    Am I crazy? Does anyone else see this Apple logo?

    That's SO clearly the outline of Bill Gates' head! J
  15. J

    Suddenly, there are MANY of me

    I have a TiPB running 10.1. I'm on a network. So far, so good. I can choose "Go/Connect to Server" and see my other machines, my OSX server, a couple of OS9 servers and some other users. I can also see my own, previously mentioned (the one I'm looking from) TiPB listed like 20 times. Sometimes...
  16. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Ahh, but you see, in Los Angeles, they take several photos and then let you pick. They even pose you and give you pointers so you get a decent shot. It's a very funny place. J
  17. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    It's actually my driver's license photo. Go figure! J
  18. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Laughing, hmmmm. I don't think I have one, but this one at least shows that I have a face. J
  19. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Admiral, do NOT make me use the new iBook... <said in as threatening a tone as I can muster, which isn't really very threatening and has made threatenees collapse in fits of laughter, but just pretend I was scary for a sec, k?> J
  20. J

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    Scott, yes. I believe I read in the parent contract thingee that all parents get a free TiPB. Check the fine print(: As for number of users male vs. female, I can vouch for my office. We're 100% Mac at the office (85% female), and the majority use Macs when they go home. The exception is...