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  1. L

    Upgrading a PowerMac G5

    Yeah where did I hear that? Perhaps it's just as you say, there are no after market AGP versions with the Mac ROM.
  2. L

    Not receiving emails from some hotmail accounts

    Spam filters? On your end or theirs.
  3. L

    Upgrading a PowerMac G5

    What bugs me is why can't the G4 towers use new cards like the Nvidia 6800, while similar PCs can? It's not even the power supply being the issue, we're being lead to believe the AGP slot in the G4s can't handle it. So the ATI 9800 is the best we'll ever get for the G4 towers? That's the only...
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    DVD Encoding

    Here's a thought: dedicated encoding PCI cards. I've known people to put MPEG encoding cards into PVRs, I guess for a Mac it would just be a matter of drivers. And it could be faster if the source was uncompressed. That way the encoder can just focus on re-encoding, instead of having to...
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    DVD Encoding

    I would imagine that a commercial program such as Toast Titanium is well optimized enough. When encoding video, 2 factors control the speed of encoding: - CPU speed - System bus speed Your CPU seems decent, but it's running on a 133 MHz bus, so is your RAM. Moving that much data around...
  6. L

    DVD Encoding

    Get a faster computer.
  7. L

    Dear Apple, please unify interfaces

    I can't read the black text on top of the brush metal, so I'm in the Aqua camp. Unless they allow us to change system font settings, and especially color.
  8. L

    align subview of scrollview

    Select your custom view (usually by double-clicking it, the first time you click will only select the parent container view) then "View Info" with CMD + SHIFT + I. Switch to the Size property sheet. In the white box, click the center so that both the horizonal and vertical "springs" appear. This...
  9. L

    Using an iBook G4 as a desktop computer

    I can't completely confirm those instructions in that other thread, but... I too have an iBook. I had an external mouse plugged in, put the lid down to sleep it. On several occasions I've either removed the mouse and woke it, or pressed a button and woke it while the lid was still down.
  10. L

    Thunderbird 0.8

    Like I said, they've already reversed engineer the Hotmail protocol, the info is out there, all it takes is someone to make the plugin. SSL is required for the Hotmail protocol, so I wonder if Thunderbird has SSL support yet. If it doesn't, that might be an attribute to why there's no plugin...
  11. L

    New tiger build

    Becuase AOL bought out Mirbalis and ICQ + AIM networks became integrated.
  12. L

    How do *you* partition your drive?

    So you do know what I mean! But Dell Dimension desktops are even't suppose to be compact by design! They're suppose to be full sized, mid-tower ATX boxes, workstations even. What hurts even more is those ultra-slim hard drives are Maxtors! I had a lot of faith in Maxtor.
  13. L

    Thunderbird 0.8

    Guess who makes Entourage ;) To my knowledge, no there is no plug-in to to access Hotmail accounts. Feel free to do research though. I apologize for my seemingly lack of interest, I've never had a Hotmail account and I've been using Windows for 7+ years.
  14. L

    'Old' Apple 1 GHZ PB G4 17 inch BLASTS Sony's Vaio 1,7 GHZ 17 inch AWAY !

    My 2 cents: People here who know me, know that I was getting a bad wrap for just coming in here and bashing Macs, defending Wintel. For the record I love/hate both equally and I just try to find answers and point things out. With that said... - Windows Networking Wizard is garbage. Not...
  15. L

    How do *you* partition your drive?

    Actually I do have a bone to pick with Dell about hard drives. They use these thin hard drives. It's still 3.5" wide like standard hard drives, but it's about half the thickness. I had bought such a hard drive a few years ago from a computer fair. It sucked big time and I swore never to use them...
  16. L

    back up assistance- I'm lost!

    Do you use the email client in OSX? If you do, here is how to backup you emails: 1. In Finder, go to your Home folder, Library, Mail. Inside will be sub folders: "Mailboxes" and one folder for each of your accounts. It's named after your email address or account name. Go into those...
  17. L

    Thunderbird 0.8

    Nope. Hotmail uses a proprietary HTTPMail protocol. There is an open source project that is working to reverse engineer the protocol so that alternative software can be created to interact with Hotmail. Not sure where it stands on their priorities though.
  18. L

    Bye Bye Toast?

    Redhat is still Redhat, they're just refocused on solely enterprise Linux. Fedora is more like an offspring than rebirth. It's run by different people, and maintains the tradition of community involvement. Jelly? Butter? Muffin?
  19. L

    New tiger build

    Protocols are protocols, they aren't really suppose to be compatible with each other. It's like saying "Is German compatible with Spanish?" What's more noteworthy is what IM software you use. There are many clients (such as Trillian) that support many different protocols. For that, yes they...
  20. L

    How do *you* partition your drive?

    I thought Macs were suppose to be more reliable than PCs? :p