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  1. P

    some funkness resulting from the Security Update 1.0

    If I understand well, this log file would be found at the end of the following path : /var/log/apacheLog/error_log ? If yes, I can safely say that I don't have such a log on my Mac, yet I use Apache to (playfully) serve the following useless website : and it correctly...
  2. P

    Creating a Mac OS X startup disk CD ?

    Thanks to all the replies above. I have now burned (and thrown away) three CDs trying to get a functional Emergency CD to work ! :D That is soooo different from Mac OS 9... :( Its not that your suggestions aren't good... the last 2 could have been used as emergency disks... My problem is...
  3. P

    Creating a Mac OS X startup disk CD ?

    I'm sorry if this has been answered before, but I haven't found it on the site... I would like to create a new Mac OS X startup CD... is it possible ? Basically, the startup disk that came with my disk repair utility is out of date and I would like to create a new one. Of course, since I...
  4. P

    Mac os 10.2

    I will certainly give Snax a try, but I cannot accept your last sentence : I consider that currently shipping hardware has to be Mac OS X optimized. I mean, come on : I have a white 500 MHz iBook with 256 MB RAM. It is not even one year old... it was designed knowing that Mac OS X existed and...
  5. P

    Mac os 10.2

    Thanks for your explanation ! By the way : This mindset cannot be found amongst Mac users since there are no Kazaa/Morpheus clients on the Mac in the first place ! :mad:
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    Mac os 10.2

    I am very happy to read that (although I think that this is only true in the U.S.A.) and I most certainly wish it is true ! (By the way, what does IRL mean ?)
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    Mac os 10.2

    Well all the improvements under the hood (or in fact the new car altogether) is what keeps me from going back to Mac OS 9. Mac OS X is definitely a huge improvement over Mac OS 9 no questions asked. But the computer buyers don't care about true technology breakthrough : they only care about...
  8. P

    Mac os 10.2

    I've been told that the future is bright with Apple since the beginning of the 90's with Pink then Taligent then Copland then Rhapsody then Mac OS X... I seriously think Apple should rename its operating system Excalibur. :D
  9. P

    Mac os 10.2

    OK, maybe I shouldn't have included Java in that sentence... but there are so many other aspects of OS X that ought to be faster than they are. Replace the word "Java" with anything else... say "disk browsing in the Finder" for instance ! But rendering images has nothing to do with the OS...
  10. P

    Mac os 10.2

    I can only say one thing : Mac OS X 10.2 better be as fast as Windows XP. Yes, I know, some of you will say that XP is slow and Microsoft is evil. But have you tried it ??? The computer I tried Windows XP on was harldy a SuperPC : it was a 1 year old PC with a Celeron processor, for crying out...
  11. P

    How many Mac's have you had in your lifetime? (Home only + parent's machines)

    Macintosh (the original 128 K Mac) Macintosh Plus Macintosh IIsi PowerMacintosh G3 (beige, desktop, 266 MHz) iBook (white, 500 MHz)
  12. P

    Where do you dock your dock ?

    changomarcelo asked but never created the poll... So here I go ! :D
  13. P

    Help needed : I cannot start up Web Sharing

    Typical case of each other posting at the same time... :D
  14. P

    Help needed : I cannot start up Web Sharing

    Well I just read the other thread, and I got my answer : As you suggested I typed the following in the Terminal:sudo cp -f /etc/httpd/httpd.conf.default /etc/httpd/httpd.confand now everything works like a charm ! testuser, where do you get all this knowledge ?? ;)
  15. P

    Help needed : I cannot start up Web Sharing

    Thanks for the tip, Obormot. Doing as you told me allowed me to find what the problem is. In fact, the problem is exactly what testuser wrote... Hey, testuser, I'm impressed ! :D I've yet to read the thread, so maybe the answer is there... but is it a bug in Mac OS X.1.2 or is it my fault ???
  16. P

    Help needed : I cannot start up Web Sharing

    Hi ! I'd like to start up web sharing, now that I have IP forwarding thanks to Unfortunately, whenever I click on the start button of the Web Sharing area of the Sharing pane, it grays out forever... and nothing happens afterwards. If I quit the System Prefs application and...
  17. P

    How to use OS X' built-in TFTP to update a LinkSys router ?

    Many thanks : your last explanations did the trick... it worked !!! :D
  18. P

    How to use OS X' built-in TFTP to update a LinkSys router ?

    Let me put it this way : it doesn't work !!! :eek: I still get the same error message (file or folder "code.bin" doesn't exist, although it does). :( Any ideas why ?
  19. P

    How to use OS X' built-in TFTP to update a LinkSys router ?

    Hi ! I have a LinkSys router that I wanted to update to the latest firmware for some reason. As you might know, this updating process requires the use of an TFTP application (provided by LinkSys on Windows, but that you have to buy separately for Mac OS 9). Since Mac OS X has its own...
  20. P

    5.1 Surround on the Mac?

    I doubt this is still an issue... I think they had to settle this definitely when QuickTime came into existence (not sure, though). What I know for sure is that Mac OS X is supposed to have a terrific sound manager since Mac OS X.1.0... so hardware shouldn't be far behind. (No new hardware...