Hi !
I'd like to start up web sharing, now that I have IP forwarding thanks to no-ip.com. Unfortunately, whenever I click on the start button of the Web Sharing area of the Sharing pane, it grays out forever... and nothing happens afterwards. If I quit the System Prefs application and restart it, I find that the button is back to the Start state, and not the Stop state (like the button in the File sharing area above it, which I also enabled).
I have a white iBook and a beige G3, both running a non-hacked version of Mac OS X.I.II... and both display the same behavior.
What's the problem ???
I'd like to start up web sharing, now that I have IP forwarding thanks to no-ip.com. Unfortunately, whenever I click on the start button of the Web Sharing area of the Sharing pane, it grays out forever... and nothing happens afterwards. If I quit the System Prefs application and restart it, I find that the button is back to the Start state, and not the Stop state (like the button in the File sharing area above it, which I also enabled).
I have a white iBook and a beige G3, both running a non-hacked version of Mac OS X.I.II... and both display the same behavior.
What's the problem ???