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  1. P

    WindowsXP ads..stop the horror!

    And what does it mean, aside from it's litteral meaning, of course..?
  2. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    I stand corrected ! Precision in terms über alles ! ;) I know that, but that is only correct for German. Other languages don't have alternate spellings for when accents cannot be used. So it is still a big problem in OmniWeb... I've read on a Swiss rumor site that OW4.1 is due in the next few...
  3. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    And that's (unfortunately) OmniWeb's fault... As you can see in my previous post, they work correctly in MSIE (that I have to use everytime I want to write a post with accents...) I thought about Deutschland Über alles... When I come back from work, I"ll read a little about it. I've...
  4. P

    damn you apple!

    That's the recipe to find happiness in a materialist world... That has to be the best stance you can take ! If you are going to have a such a (small) misfortune, why not make fun of it ? * _______________ * Sorry, I've got the feeling that this sentence smells of a direct translation through...
  5. P

    damn you apple!

    Hey ! I'm not a nerd... I only talk like one ! ;) (LOL)
  6. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    They don't... in OmniWeb. In fact you cannot post anything with accents in OmniWeb... They reallly should be ashamed of themselves on that one : the problem has been there for a long time and they still haven't corrected it ! shame, shame, shame ! The being said, Macintosh Über alles (Mac...
  7. P

    Not a rumor: OmniWeb 4.1 in September

    Psst, guys, I think Peppo has long come and gone... Don't waste your time on this weak individual...
  8. P

    damn you apple!

    Then again, you could turn the situation upside down : you could put a hand on the said co-worker and pretend, after that, that is was a terrible mistake and all you wanted was to launch PhotoShop ! "I'm so sorry, Dorothy, you just hapened to walk by as I had just decided to continue working on...
  9. P

    damn you apple!

    That one already exists : its called Windows XP ! (It's guaranteed to kill every old x86 you install it on...) :D
  10. P

    damn you apple!

    That's part of the buying experience when it comes to computer ! I bought my iBook on the 3rd of July, finally received it the 23rd of August (yep, no typos...) and 2 months later, it is already outdated (now at 600 MHz with a bigger hard drive, a faster bus and a new compact transformer...) ! I...
  11. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    I'm not sure I understand what each part of the router entry means. Well, ok, I admit it : I don't understand at all. :p Of course, there's the IP. That part at least I understand. :D But the other part, underneath : why did you have to create 2 entries ??? Say one of my computer is...
  12. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    Could you explain how to do this, step by step ? :) Well I can't tell you why it happens, but I can tell you that :[list=a]if you wait long enough, you will finally get into you Mac via ssh and be able to kill the ScreenSaver trashing the screen saver prefs and plist (in ~/Library) definitely...
  13. P

    Missing Features in 10.1...

    I think the reason is that since Mac OS X is so stable, nobody wants to shutdown their Macs anymore ! Imagine : should you do such a thing, you wouldn't be able to brag about your Mac's uptime ! (The horror ! The hor-ror !) :D
  14. P


    What would be cool : integrating Rosetta in Mac OS X ! That way, anyone with a pen and a tablet could write instead of type when using OS X... :cool:
  15. P

    Why aren't we alowed to edit our own posts anymore ???

    Today, I wanted to edit a post of mine, and a message appeared informing me that I hadn't the necessary privileges to do so. (Of course, before you ask : I was logged in !) A few minutes later (after posting my rant/question here), I realized that I could edit my post once again... so I guess...
  16. P


    Well, if Xerox succeeds and Palm looses in court... maybe Palm will come to Apple, begging them for something called Rosetta... ;)
  17. P

    Why aren't we alowed to edit our own posts anymore ???

    It used to be that we could... What if I realize that I may have been unclear or unwittingly offensive ? I believe that we should be allowed to edit our own posts ! Edit : well, I may have been unlucky, since it seems we can again, now... so forget it ! :D
  18. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    Something to improve for Mac OS 10.2, I guess ! ;) Thank you very much for your many replies (and patience) : I appreciate it a lot !
  19. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    Why does it take so long for the other computer to answer to the initial ssh request (at least 1 minute) ? Is it normal or is there something fishy ?
  20. P

    How to quit the graphical OS from another Mac ?

    I forgot to say (and vBulletin denies me the right to edit my post) : could this message be because my two computers have the same login, but not the same password ?