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  1. F

    Its arrived!!! :-)

    Well just thought I would let you guys know my PB 12" has arrived today. I am soooo impressed with it, it setup and connected to my wireless network and is sharing the internet connection in about 30secs :-) and ive never used a mac before! Well im very chuffed and just running software...
  2. F

    First Mac and Power Book shipped today! Any Tips?

    OK cool, thanks for that. Shall read the article.
  3. F

    First Mac and Power Book shipped today! Any Tips?

    Thanks Satcomer, Hmm, that is interesting, I didnt know you had to repair permissions like that? I have been developing on UNIX systems for a few years now so the jargon wont scare me if you care to explain? I take it you are refering to Read/Write/Execute permissions? Is this a big...
  4. F

    First Mac and Power Book shipped today! Any Tips?

    Hey, thanks for the replies guys. I can see some of the tips really being useful! Please keep em coming :-)
  5. F

    First Mac and Power Book shipped today! Any Tips?

    Haha ok guys, thanks for the tips but im now broke following my purchase and and hence tips telling me to buy more stuff arent appreciated ;-) Config and usage tips are really what im after. Thanks
  6. F

    First Mac and Power Book shipped today! Any Tips?

    Hi all, As the title says ive finally made the jump to the Mac platform ( after many heated arguments on here as im sure one or two may remember :D ) My new Power Book 12" should be arriving soon and was just wondering if you guys could list any important tips to get me started? i.e...
  7. F

    New Powerbooks

    Thanks soulseek :-)
  8. F

    New Powerbooks

    WooHoo, Well i for one following my updated powerbook thread the other day am very pleased :-) I was going to go with the 1.2Ghz 12" IBook but have now gone with the 12" 1.5Ghz Powerbook for only a few hundred more when you factor in the mem and HD upgrade i was going to do to the ibook :-)...
  9. F

    Speed bumped Power Books?

    ok thanks for the replies guys. Whats the concensus as ive decided not to wait. 12" ibook with HD BTO to 60Gb + 512MB Ram ordered elsewhere or 14" ibook with 512MB Ram ordered elsewhere The price dif is small so am just wondering whether to go with the 14"?
  10. F

    Speed bumped Power Books?

    Thanks Fryke i will take a look, I wouldnt have thought that would work as it only has 32MB RAM. If i wanted to hook it up to my 17" TFT at 1280 * 1024 (native res) would that work? Thanks
  11. F

    Speed bumped Power Books?

    Hi Guys, Well its been a while since ive posted here but im now finally ready to buy my first mac and its going to be a power book. Well that is if they speedbump them very soon. Does anyone have any sort of accurate idea as to when that will happen? Im hopping within the next week? Its...
  12. F

    Perl: How Do I Enclose Variable in SQL Query?

    Yes that is correct. To interpolate variables in a string you need to use "$variable" instead of '$variable'. Rgrds Dan
  13. F


    OK reading that again maybe i sounded a bit harsh there, the above post isnt meant in that way at all. Thats just one of the probs with communicating via forums im afraid.
  14. F


    I dont see how you can say they are even behind Apple let alone 4 years. Apples security has been shown to be such a joke recently. If Apple had as many people trying to exploit it as MS does, we would all see they have just as many holes if not more than MS. Apples security is based on...
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    Mate Longhorn is a lot more than transparent windows! LOL The new graphics engine and file system called WinFS for a start! Nearly everything has changed and is now written in .Net using managed source code practices. I believe Longhorn is going to be something special and that you really...
  16. F

    iTunes 4.1.1 is out (Windows only)

    I think its a welcome to the Wintel world for Apple i.e loads of different hardware configurations to cater for!
  17. F

    iTunes for Windows is amazing :-)

    forgot to mention one little gripe is it could do with just a few more configuration option (Not saying it doesnt have some clever stuff in there already but it is missing a few ) One thing i cant understand is that it doesnt have a maximise window option to fill the entire screen! Has...
  18. F

    iTunes for Windows is amazing :-)

    Just thought i would pop over and say i think the new iTunes for Windows is damn impressive. It is just soooo easy to use and intuitive! Apple really have done their homework on this one. Everything about it is so sweet i mean take ripping for instance it does it so easily and so quickly...
  19. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    What so there is no truth whatsoever to it? LOL. Everyone has had those sorts of experiances be it with a mac or pc this guy has just picked on macs this time, except made it funny.
  20. F

    LOL this is funny ->

    Cool, how is the psych going? My Comp Science degree is going very well since we last spoke, Got a wicked programming job starting in London soon :-) Are you actually hoping to work in Psych?