iTunes for Windows is amazing :-)


Just thought i would pop over and say i think the new iTunes for Windows is damn impressive.

It is just soooo easy to use and intuitive! Apple really have done their homework on this one.

Everything about it is so sweet i mean take ripping for instance it does it so easily and so quickly.

The navigation, playlist creation and search facilities are so smooth.

A big congrats to apple really cos it isnt bloated with add ware for the music store which you can disable completely without any problems.

It does exactly what it says on the tin really, something which is quite rare these days. If OSX supported .Net and could create windows compatible software i would move to Mac but since it doesnt and im a .Net developer i havent the choice and unfortunately cant really justify a second heater in the house

forgot to mention one little gripe is it could do with just a few more configuration option (Not saying it doesnt have some clever stuff in there already but it is missing a few )

One thing i cant understand is that it doesnt have a maximise window option to fill the entire screen!

Has anyone else found that a little annoying?(Small i know but hey im fussy ;-) ) Better yet has someone found a way to enable it? :-)
Originally posted by FrgMstr

One thing i cant understand is that it doesnt have a maximise window option to fill the entire screen!

I hear you. I should be able to maximize. Oh well :( At least there's iTunes for Windows.
Just drag the top left of the window to the top left of the screen, and repeat for bottom right ;) But I think the cute little window gives you more advantage then a maximized window - It's easy enough to make it full size without a maximize button, and the whole mini floater thing would be impossible if it wasn't programmed as it is, so I like it!
It doesn't NEED a maximise to fullscreen option. It has, as all Apple products do - a way to fill up the REQUIRED amount of screen.

Double click the title bar. That makes it however big it needs to be to show you all of the screen contents.

I'm still waiting on someone to replace the ugly windows buttons though, with the traffic lights.

My ONLY gripe is that I can't drag the artist column infront of the song column.

That's just a minor thing though.

The speed of sorting and searching alone made it replace WA3 for me.
Apple supporting .NET? You mean the same insecure .NET that microsoft allowed to be compromised, and which made 200 Million user accounts available to anyone who was able to copy and paste (there was a .net bug that allowed you to change another user's password through your web browser, without having to know their current password....scary)...I wouldnt hold your breath.
FrgMstr: Get an iBook. They don't heat that much and make a fun notebook. You could then start to delve into Cocoa development and give us sweet new useful little applications. ;-)
Of course WiTunes is amazing. It's exactly like MiTunes, except for the little interface changes like the title bar (SO ugly) and the menus, etc. You're right, Apple really shines on this one.