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  1. sirstaunch

    i'm confused

    can anyone explain this please what?
  2. sirstaunch

    Icons not showing

    When you use the info box the icon is up the top right hand corner. Select it then choose copy from the edit menu. Close that info box and select the folder or icon you want to change to the new, get info again select the icon in the top corner and choose paste under the edit menu, close the...
  3. sirstaunch


    keyboard viewer? I'd still need to be able to use the keys to make it work wouldn't I??¿¿¿¿? And plus, there's not going to be a future where I'd be forced to go back to the Character pallete or anything, me hopes anyhow ;)
  4. sirstaunch

    Finally Aqua Buttons in Gmail

    Oh no does that mean we are all going to Die :O *sorry kidding*
  5. sirstaunch


    Oh yeah, got my new keyboards too :D
  6. sirstaunch

    "Gadgets" in Windows Vista

    be interesting, my PC friend had only shruded his shoulder at Widgets, bet its a different story when he goes out and gets Vista to discover this (thinking he may forget my mac had it first) and think WOW! Like i showed him the apple/D (oops can't remember key combo right now)key over words and...
  7. sirstaunch

    30th Anniversary Guessing Comp!

    I think another duel powered intel mac ;) i win :D
  8. sirstaunch

    iPod lawsuit

    I wish I had an iPod when I was youth while mowing my parents lawn, the Sony walkman was not loud enough over the mower sound, hey maybe sue Victa for the mowers being too loud
  9. sirstaunch


    Call me stubborn but the friends who first called me staunch decided they had to knight me sir staunch 1 |stôn ch; stän ch | adjective 1 loyal and committed in attitude : a staunch supporter of the antinuclear lobby | a staunch Catholic. See note at resolute . 2 (of a wall) of strong or firm...
  10. sirstaunch

    Hunting Crashers with Dick Cheney
  11. sirstaunch


  12. sirstaunch


  13. sirstaunch


    yes_:( water_on_it_so_using_Character_Palette_the_*_were_suppose_to_be_spaces_LOL waiting_for_new_one
  14. sirstaunch


  15. sirstaunch

  16. sirstaunch


  17. sirstaunch

    What Changed You???

    LOL no they always open the case :))
  18. sirstaunch

    What Changed You???

    Now Now Bicker Bicker tsk tsk BTW I have said it somewhere but not in this thread, I was lucky enough to use the very first Macintosh release, road runner, taking a snap shot in a threshold style and all those sorts of thing, where the owner of the Mac was able to dial into the airport and book...
  19. sirstaunch

    Viruses On Os X

    A friend informed me she heard on the radio about a Worm expected to spread out (she said tonight Aussie time but don't understand how they can predict a time though) and she said the radio announcer said 'and don't go Ha, I'm on a Mac' something about we're not safe from it either I did a...
  20. sirstaunch

    The official death of classic. May your respects here.

    A friend who had been using Windows XP has now got my old PowerMac7500 using OS9, he is loving it more then Windows, which to me says something about Classic, I know I always loved it over Windows XP too but that's an opinion because I never liked Windows full stop. I looked in this thread to...