30th Anniversary Guessing Comp!


Find a golden apple.
As we all know it's Apple computers 30th anniversary on the 1st of April 2006.

What will steve announce? will it be a new product? will it be a new iPod, software or hardware? will it be anything at all? What do you think?

Winner recieves:
1 x 1 year macosx email account valued at $9.95 (my shout!)

Competition Notes:
The first most accurate and defined guess will be the winner.
This competition must be approved by the mods or by admin before being activated.
There can only be one winner.
All entries end on March 25th. To enter simply become a FREE registered member of macosx.com and guess what Apple will release or announce on or for the 1st of April 2006 by replying your answer in this thread by March 25th 2006.
Admin/mods have the right to cancel/change or disqualify this competition any time or if certian unforseen circumstances take effect.

Have Fun!

Mods/Admin please let me know how I pay for this if approved.

well, let me be tha first to guess. i say that we'll be lucky to even have the anniversary mentioned on apple's hompage, like when rosa parks died. i don't think there will be anything new. so thats what i say, just a different hopepage for the day.

-edit-well second then, darn mr. hall posting at the same time.
Only to have said it: The Mac tablet computer. Could be called iPad or MacPod... Either way: If it's a tablet form factor, I win. :P
I was going to say something but remembered that it would be a bad idea and i could lose my job (even though i know nothing @_@)
Ehhh... ummm... a special-edition release of a computer (like the TAM but successful), most likely an iMac, but I'm not sticking to that -- could be a PowerBook, PowerMac, Intel "Mac Pro", etc.

Just a guess.
good one :), but if its a Tablet fryke may win because his guess would be more accurate and defined.

remember the first most "accurate" and "defined" guess will be the winner. good call though...

Hardware may be accurate but may not as defined as lets say a tablet mac.

I don't know if this was mentioned, but it would be nice to see them release a Mac mini in the form factor of the original Macintosh, complete with 9" screen and whatnot (but with the latest technologies and ports). :)
That would REALLY be nice, nixgeek! :) ... They could even make it a black/white screen! Of course, you'd use it with an external monitor most of the time, but only for fun... Hmm... Maybe it'd be much too freakish an idea...
Well, it could be a mix of what the Color Classic had (sans crippled badness, unless we're talking about the CCII). Something that mixes the old of the Compact Macs with the new of the current lineup (yes, that includes a color screen :D).
Well, since this is event is about Apple's anniversary, not the Mac's, I'm going to say that it will not be Mac related. But since Apple started as a computer company, any anniversary really ought to be centered around computers.

Therefore, I believe Apple will announce the death of the Mac. No, I don't think they'll be adopting Windows. Instead, they will announce the Apple IV (that means four, not some kind of intravenous computing experience....although come to think of it, that would be pretty awesome). The Apple IV, like the Apple III, will come with a built-in printer. Also like the Apple III, it will lack a GUI. Apple will be going back to their roots after 30 years, and that means back to the command line. But it will be the command line done right.

To start with, Apple will introduce a new kind of keyboard, to make using the command line more efficient than ever before. Steve Jobs will explain how our keyboard hasn't changed in however-many decades despite the fact that the way we use it is completely different now than it was back then. (There will be absolutely no acknowledgment of Dvorak keyboards. Fans of that the Dvorak design will be implicitly urged to take a hike and quit their bitchin'.) The keyboards will be wall-mountable.

In addition to the new keyboard, Apple will improve the command-line interface by introducing multi-colored text, a first in the world of CLIs. Apple will preview some new TV spots highlighting this aspect of the new computers.

They will have some graphs comparing productivity levels among different systems. Mac OS X will be the baseline, at 1.0 productivity per dollar, whereas the new Apple IV — using the multi-colored command line interface powered by the revolutionary new wall-mounted keyboard — will clock in at a whopping 2.4 productivities per dollar. That's more than twice as productive as a G5 Quad running Mac OS X Tiger. (Naturally Windows will also be on the list, with a rating of 0.24.)

That just about covers it, I think. You heard it here first.
