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  1. edX

    Disk Optimization

    i think the keys here are "Hard disk capacity is generally much greater now than a few years ago" and "With faster hard drives and better caching". plus factors like amount of ram and processing speed. before i upgraded to a new 7200 40 gb hd, i found defragmenting to be very useful on the...
  2. edX

    Where is Octane?

    okay, the childish nonsense in this thread has just been brought to my attention. so let me remind all of you of something that already know - that you don't know what octane did to earn his status. but many of you should be aware of the amount of patience and genuine efforts by the mods to work...
  3. edX

    The RacerX guessing game.

    i'll buy your milkshake dave. :D not only do i not post very much any more, but if you check thru some of my old ones, you'll find i not only didn't know answers, but was wrong at least once. oh, the horror. :O
  4. edX

    message from admin threatening to cancel my account???

    the admins know. we get them too. :rolleyes:
  5. edX

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    nice pics chevy and michael. i was just talking to someone who used to live in cardiff at work the other day. cardiff is a beautiful place. personally i miss sunset cliffs in OB though. still, i'm just up highway 1 a few hundred miles and the weather up here has been almost san diego like for...
  6. edX

    Techtool 4 bootable cd??

    well, if he has the original cd, he should just be able to copy it. nothing more elaborate is needed.
  7. edX

    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    no amount of prodding is going to get a new pic out of me before i have one i want to share. i have neither the time nor the energy to go and take one just for this. i assure you i haven't changed that much from my previous pics.
  8. edX

    Fold-over Booklet creation.

    there is a way to do this with appleworks but i must admit i've never been able to quite get the hang of it. it involves setting up a chain of anchors and links between columns. the instructions in the help doc are not entirely clear. i managed to get the first 2 pages set up correctly but...
  9. edX

    What happened to 10.3.3 thread? Part 2

    actually it probably was the result of good modding but incomplete understanding of how certain controls work. there are some things that almost never need to be done that were done and so some things have disappeared. if what you are missing is some perceived opportunity to carry on a flamewar...
  10. edX

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    i think you mean it was an airport base station. not an ipod. yea, it was pretty easy to recognize.
  11. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    hey johnny. i didn't reply before as i thought perhaps this was a one time thing. but if you are having this problem on a regular basis then i have several suggestions. the first is to do something 'mindless' for a little bit before going to bed. like playing a video game where you don't really...
  12. edX

    gay marriage

    most all neo-pagan religions condone and welcome gays. i don't think this is like some official policy, but more the result of the open and loving attitudes of most who are drawn to the Crafts in this day and age. frankly, what worries me about gay marriages is that if they are legitimized...
  13. edX

    fat kids...

    bob, have you been hanging out with Bruce Springsteen again? i told you he was a bad influence. :D
  14. edX

    gay marriage

    octane, you've pretty obviously never observed many animals. homosexuality among animals is pretty common. even the ordinary housedog is pretty indiscriminate when they're horny. yet somehow they manage to produce in large enough numbers that we have to put many of them 'to sleep' each year...
  15. edX

    What book are you reading/listening to?

    listening to Fellowship of the Rings on my drive back and forth from work. up to tape 13 out of 15. i hope they have the Two Towers available at the library when i finish this one. :)
  16. edX

    gay marriage

    not to join in this discussion in depth, but i was just wondering, would a marriage be any more legitimate if it were between a gay man and a lesbian? is being a man and a woman really some kind of indicator of the legitamacy of a relationship? in part this question asks whether it is same sex...
  17. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    if it were fantasy sailing you could call them the Randruvers. :D
  18. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    cool. gonna be the Randsackers again? good name for a Randman team i think. of course there's no sacking in baseball like there is in football, but Randrunners just doesn't have the same ring does it? :D
  19. edX

    Installed Panther, what to do with . . .

    have you deselected the folder from your classic prefs? if that's not it, try using BatchMod on the folder and it's contents.
  20. edX

    Let's play fantasy baseball

    bump. still looking for at least six more teams. if we don't find them here, then i'll open the league up to anyone at yahoo who uses a mac. so if you want to play, join now. just be patient with the yahoo server. it is real slooowww for signing up.