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  1. edX

    Anyone at MWSF04 tried iPhoto 4?

    it was definitly faster launching with over 3000 photos in it. of course everything else was faster on the 20"imac than on my old grape imac, but i doubt it would have been that much faster if it hadn't been improved. i was pretty impressed. what wasn't speeded up was full size pic viewing...
  2. edX

    Please test our new game for Mac

    i'm enjoying it. i'm not getting sound effects on every move though. seems to come and go randomly. i suggest you either use a reminder or a time limit. both is a bit much. mac users are not used to being treated like thieves.
  3. edX

    Help!! My Mac G4 Desktop Is Hooped :(

    you may be able to use an app called Carbon Copy Cloner to move 10.2.8 from your book to the desktop. get it at short of purchasing the os or getting the disks from your friend (as he is legally required to pass them along if he has them), this is your best bet. or...
  4. edX

    I'm 17, what are my rights

    17 year olds are rarely right even if they think they are never wrong. :D obviously the car represents something in this issue - maybe a loss of priveledges for some other behavior or perhps is a major factor in the offending behavior. either way the best thing to do is compromise somehow...
  5. edX

    1728 visitors at a time.

    when doesn't and the other rumour mongers look stupid? i agree that we will look equally as stupid if there isn't a shread of truth to ibox. but hey, it's just a rumour. :)
  6. edX

    Subscription Database Problem

    arden, you need to just go and unsubcribe to all threads. i mean, what's the point? you read and reply to all of them anyway. :rolleyes:
  7. edX

    legal music downloads

    check out his article on free music downloads in the San Francisco Chronicle. both itunes and ipods are mentioned in it. there's also this article from the same day about what some celebs keep on their ipods...
  8. edX

    Whats the Deal With the 60 Seconds Between Posts???

    yea, i'd like to see alot less posts like that last one. say something worthwhile or dont' say anything at all. this isn't a chat room :(
  9. edX

    Cool holiday greeting card

    i wondered about that as well Tommy. but what the hey, it's cool. and it delivered mine no problem - and perfect timing as we didn't actually celebrate until this morning once all the kids were here.
  10. edX

    new olympus camera - iphoto or camedia?

    thanks TMH. i broke down and went ahead and installed it on my lady's imac last nite and immediately noticed the windows style layout. i didn't try playing around much but i did find it slow and ugly. i tried to create a new album and never could figure out how. if it's buggy as well, then i...
  11. edX

    new olympus camera - iphoto or camedia?

    yea, it's too cool. i'm glad you're so happy with yours. but i really was hoping to hear from at least someone who has used both before i bother to install camedia. it works great with iphoto but i was wondering if it works even better with its own software. iphoto seems to offer a few features...
  12. edX

    Whats the Deal With the 60 Seconds Between Posts???

    a certain someone's posting habits are the main reason for increasing this from the previous 20 sec limit. the word association thread is the only one in which replies should be so quick and thoughtless that this makes a difference. i'd like to think that everyone puts at least a minute's worth...
  13. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    my anticipation for more ended after the second one with the matrix series. i'll watch the third one when it comes to HBO or starz. that's how disappointed i was with the second one.
  14. edX

    new olympus camera - iphoto or camedia?

    just got a new olympus c-750 for xmas. i'm wondering if i should bother installing the camedia master 4.1 software that came with it or just use iphoto and my ussual image editors. does camedia offer anything worth the space it takes up?
  15. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    just saw The Return of the King tonight also. i thought it was good, but not quite as good as the other 2. less plot and more fighting scenes in it. it almost seems disappointing that they're over with now. Happy Holidays everyone!!
  16. edX

    Policy on Warez, Serialz, and P2P Discussions

    Trillian - no, that would be a perfectly legitimate question. some developers are making it more difficult to track down. with my just delivered Techtool pro, i had to go all the way back to the drive 10 manual they sent me when i ordered the double upgrade last summer to find the serial number.
  17. edX

    Weird Behavior - Safari or Site

    ha ha the list of 'features' of vb is more than i am even aware of. listing what we can and cannot do is not going to happen.
  18. edX

    The *book buyer's dillema...

    Hi Tolya!! i hope all is well with you. i just wanted to remind you that MWSF is only 2 weeks away and any changes to the offerings will come out then. seems worth waiting to see if anything happens. it almost always does, even if it's something minor.
  19. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i think i slept thru the quake. i didn't know anything about it til my dentist told me.
  20. edX

    External Firewire drives not waking up- Locks up Finder

    you might try this - perhaps if your external doesn't spin down it won't occur my advice is also to run techtool pro on the boot drive - that's where most recognition problems stem from in my experience.