Search results

  1. edX

    Should I?

    if you're wanting to use a blog as a way of journaling or diary keeping then it doesn't really matter if anybody else is interested. and for the most part, that's the only real value to blogs as far as i can see. i certainly wouldn't waste my time reading someone's blog unless they were a...
  2. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    hey Sogni - i like the new avatar. very nicely done and it really looks like you. good job. :)
  3. edX

    Security Updates for jag and panther released

    software update of course :)
  4. edX

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    there was a nice imac managing the business of an online voyeur site on CSI Miami tonight. only they picked it to be the one that got hacked into and a forged email sent from. the imac owner wasn't the murderer. the guy in charge of all the pc's that ran the site was the guilty one. :D
  5. edX

    Need some help from a win/mac expert

    yes BVGP, that's what we're trying to tell you - that PS installs extra files in the library and system thru the installer that you need to run the app. just dragging and dropping in dropstuff is still not going to solve your problem. included in these are invisible files that verify the...
  6. edX

    Firewire Issues

    i have found that most of my drive recognition problems can be traced back to the boot disk. more often than not, running diskwarrior on the boot drive will bring back the missing drive. sometimes it's the drive itself, but again, DW seems to solve this most of the time. in any event, it is most...
  7. edX

    Need some help from a win/mac expert

    i believe that in order to keep an app intact when storing on a windows file system, it must first be zipped or otherwise compressed. this would be easy for a simple, small sized, drag&drop type app. however with a large app that needs an installer like PS, this is a bit more difficult. the...
  8. edX word association!

  9. edX

    Online Users

    it counts connections. until you log in, you're counted as a guest. once logged in, you're a recognized member. i guess it might count people who don't don't log in automatically thru cookies twice. i'm not really sure about that part.
  10. edX

    Online Users

    simplified version - instead of listing who's been on in the past 15 mins, it is now who's been logged in for a certain number of hours. which actually gives a better indication of how many active members we really have.
  11. edX

    What to do if you have no system folder?

    ok, here's some things i remember doing, i'm sorry i don't remember what worked. booting with option held down - looks a little harder for a system folder sometimes booting with option and a second hd with an os on it - then booting from it and running disk utility on the first one if...
  12. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    yea, anything under 50 is pretty low. i suppose you're alive and that's what really matters. you are alive, right? :D of course if you're taking certain medications, they could contribute to this. there are certainly some meds you would want to avoid if that's your natural normal. otherwise...
  13. edX

    SWF as a screensaver

    do you mean this one? somehow $200-$300 doesn't seem like any better of a deal. however if their demo is fully functional, it might do the trick. i guess the question is whether the monk man is looking to make them for mass distribution or just...
  14. edX

    What to do if you have no system folder?

    well, i had a similar situation not that long ago. i'm trying to remember how i fixed it. i couldn't even get diskwarrior to recognise it and since it's my internal, there was no way to plug it in after DW was running. have you tried fsck in single user mode?
  15. edX

    SWF as a screensaver

    that appears to be for making a desktop image, not a screensaver. not sure how that would work. not to mention $100 is a bit much for a screensaver. one of the ones i pointed out is free, the other $20. monk - no problem, i looked into this earlir this year. the problem ended up being that...
  16. edX

    SWF as a screensaver

    this is one way here's another
  17. edX

    What to do if you have no system folder?

    when you boot from the osx install disk, have you tried running disk utility? there may be something wrong with the directories. if disk utility can see your disk, then the problem is most likely fixable. at the very least you could reformat and start all over again if you wanted to. but if you...
  18. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i have reported the new post thing to scott. it might help if some of you start a thread in site discussion about this as well. gia - normal pulse rate is about 60-80 bpm see for a stricter definition. pulse rates by themselves don't really tell...
  19. edX

    Deleting posts?

    yea, you're right. but i don't always catch all my spelling mistakes. :p
  20. edX

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    i just said something is getting ready to change with laptops. i've noticed you can never be sure with apple as to what will be out. they may be phasing out low end ibooks and replacing them with low end powerbooks. or they could be coming out with a new high end ibook. i have no clue. just...