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  1. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    I have a disk image of Rhapsody DR 2 for Power Macintosh. I don't know if it works or not but the image mounts fine. Personally I'd like to get my hands on Rhapsody for Intel so I could use it with VPC.
  2. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    Can someone tell me how difficult it is to install NeXTSTEP 3.3 Intel under VPC 5?
  3. Biff

    Rhapsody on Virtual PC

    There is a partially working Lisa emulator that is part of MESS that doesn't get past the "select boot device" screen. Either than that there is no Lisa emulator yet.
  4. Biff

    OSX takes up 208 MB RAM?

    How do I find out how much memory is in use?
  5. Biff

    New keyobard and mouse!

    I have an Apple Pro Mouse and a Microsoft whatever two button mouse and I don't ever use the MS mouse because I don't care about the two buttons! Even with Windows I don't use the right button often. If I need to use a contextual menu with Mac OS I always have my left hand near the control key...
  6. Biff

    15" lcd is not same as 17" crt so stop

    A 15 inch LCD has an optimal resolution of 1024x768, the same as a 17 inch CRT. Any higher than 1024x768 on a 17 inch CRT and everything is too small or, on most 17 inch CRT's, the refresh rate is so low it is unusable. So you get the same resolution on a 15 inch LCD as a 17 inch CRT. All LCD's...
  7. Biff

    I have pictures from OSX!

  8. Biff

    WHY is window resizing so slow still in macos x and so fast in Windows 2000?

    If you use Windows XP you will notice that live window resizing is just about as bad or worse than OS X 10.1.
  9. Biff

    I'm on Win Xp right now

    ...and it takes several seconds for the start menu to appear and other menus to appear.
  10. Biff

    What mac do you have?

    This is what I have...
  11. Biff

    Services Menu

    I use Office V.x final and it does not support services.
  12. Biff

    Services Menu

    What exactly is the use for the services menu? When I am using Word, the Finder!!, and almost all other apps the services menu is disabled. For example I wanted to mount a disk image in the finder. I click finder -> services -> disk copy and mount image is not available. It seems like it is a...
  13. Biff

    Microsoft truthfully advertising? No way!

    Looks like some good photoshop work
  14. Biff

    Calling All iBook users!

    I find the overall performance of OS X 10.1 somewhat slower than OS 9 but not by much. Here are my launch times... Mail - 4 bounces IE - 3 bounces System Prefs - 3 bounces iTunes - 2 bounces AppleWorks 6 - 1 bounce Word 10 - 7 bounces Quicktime - 3 bounces Acrobat Reader - 2 bounces...
  15. Biff

    Poll: PC and/or Mac users in this forum?

    I use Windows XP and Mac OS 9.2/10.1. My desktop is a PC and my laptop is an iBook. So I get the best of both worlds. I like Mac OS better since it is easier to use and doesn't lock up or do something it is not supposed to. I also have an emate running Newton OS 2.1, a PocketPC with PPC OS...
  16. Biff

    I still dont understand...

    Actually the name Windows came from an OS called X-Windows. X-Windows was not copyrighted so Microsoft stole the name. I believe there was a lawsuit over that issue.
  17. Biff

    iBook G3 Performance Question

    I paid an authorized service center to do it. You need to take the entire iBook apart to get at it.
  18. Biff

    iBook G3 Performance Question

    I replaced the original Apple 10 GB hard drive with a 20 GB IBM Travelstar HD. I notice a significant increase in performance. The models at the store are base models and they have been used and abused.
  19. Biff

    Battery time on TiBook in 10.1 vs. 9

    I notice this problem as well. I am sure Apple will address this issue in a future update. After the 10.0.4 update I was getting about 20-30 minutes more out of my battery than with 10.0.
  20. Biff

    iBook screen size

    I read something saying that the increase in performance is only 10%. When I went to buy the new iBook I noticed they had the DVD 500 MHz model $500 off (Canada). I picked one of those up instead. I love it! Although I can't wait until they put my 20 GB hard drive in it and a lot more RAM. I...