I noticed, that the displayed time for how long the battery of my TiBook will last in 10.1 is always lower that in 9. In 9, when the battery is full I get about 5hours time (in the display) but in 10.1 its just 3 hours. I didn't test it yet, but does anyone have expierience with that? Maybe 10.1 needs more energy? Especially when Classic is launched?
So, when I'm off travelling in the train for 5 hours, should I use 9, cause I'll have more time? I mean 10.1 would be way cooler, just to impress, you know. Although the TiBook already impresses a lot...
I noticed, that the displayed time for how long the battery of my TiBook will last in 10.1 is always lower that in 9. In 9, when the battery is full I get about 5hours time (in the display) but in 10.1 its just 3 hours. I didn't test it yet, but does anyone have expierience with that? Maybe 10.1 needs more energy? Especially when Classic is launched?
So, when I'm off travelling in the train for 5 hours, should I use 9, cause I'll have more time? I mean 10.1 would be way cooler, just to impress, you know. Although the TiBook already impresses a lot...
