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  1. mr_mac_x

    Special Logins

    Do the restart and shutdown commands work even when the buttons are turned off? That could ruin the point of turning them off in the first place. I really don't mind...I'm the only person who uses my system...
  2. mr_mac_x

    Selecting dock items

    Well, I think I know what your talking about, and the answer is to control-click (hold down the "ctrl" key while clicking). That brings up the contextual menu. Is that what you want?
  3. mr_mac_x

    Jump straight to favorite Sys Pref in dock

    I compleatly agree, pbrice, OS X *is* much better than OS <= 9! I can't believe i've been using them for soooo long after OS X came out. I try not to use clasic anymore either. Booting into 9 is un-fun.
  4. mr_mac_x

    PB apps on 10.0.x

    Does anybody know how to make applications that shipped with the PB (Music Player) work on OS X (i'm using 10.0.1, but they should also work on 10.0.0)? It's only my opinion that the Music Player is better, and I don't want to start an argument, I just want to use it to listen to the Beatles on...
  5. mr_mac_x

    Mac OS X Update 10.0.1

    Don't feel too bad, because it doesn't seem different, correct me if I'm wrong (but don't kill me for it), from 4L7 (except the build version in About This Mac). I can't see a difference, anyway.
  6. mr_mac_x

    Mac OS X Update 10.0.1

    The first meathod worked fine for me... Did you delete *all* of the things that the installer put on ("10.0.1Update.pkg", "SoftwareUpdate131.pkg" and "EpsonPrintDrivers.pkg")? Software Update is happily downloading right now for me... Thanks PlaidPJs!
  7. mr_mac_x

    Mac OS X Update 10.0.1

    Does anybody know how to make Apple's OS X update ( I think) install over the 4L7 installer that was leaked? Is there even a differnce between the two? Thanks in advance.