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  1. mr_mac_x

    Post your desktop!

    What is that CPU monitor menu extra?
  2. mr_mac_x

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    Ditto. Of course, now Microsoft will probably do whatever they can (illegally) to save the Xbox, and it'll probably work, too, just like the Compaq/Netscape thing however long ago. And then Microsoft will have another monopoly.
  3. mr_mac_x

    25th Anniversary Mac

    So that's where I saw it! I swear, long before the new iMac came out I found a pic of, well, the new iMac except that it was black and gold somewhere on the net. The site had a bunch of TAM prototypes. Couldn't find it again though. I can finally sleep again ;)
  4. mr_mac_x

    MS gets a taste of it's own medicine.

    I hope that the Xbox dies a miserable death :D
  5. mr_mac_x

    Windows 95/Widnows XP matchup!

    At the end, the XP guy says "Windows XP is the best operating system we've got." :D
  6. mr_mac_x

    Need your opinions about an iMac opportunity I have...

    You could run SETI@home on it.
  7. mr_mac_x

    who can make the best fraudelent mac product!

    My friend at Apple slipped me this picture of the iPad... He said that it's got a 9" screen.
  8. mr_mac_x

    Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

    I'm not going to even pretend to read all of this thread, so this might have already been answered: Where are you people getting all of those menu-lings? I've noticed two: one that looks like a menu bar with a menu pulled down, and one that looks like the desktop. I searched Version Tracker, but...
  9. mr_mac_x

    It's Here!!!...

    I meant that I couldn't find a way to close the buttons that are built into each window (the speech bar, for example). It would be nice if there was an option to put them into a button bar that would stick on the side of the screen. I downloaded it again and it worked fine. Weird. BTW, I'm...
  10. mr_mac_x

    who can tell me what this is?

    It's LoadInDock, ThermInDock, something else.
  11. mr_mac_x

    It's Here!!!...

    Although TextEdit's options are harder to find, they don't take up my entire (800x600) screen. Options to turn off some of the bars would help. This program is also missing a few key things: Wrap to Window, and a resize handle on the document windows (very important!) come to mind. Also, it...
  12. mr_mac_x

    fps in full screen mode with itunes

    Uh, isn't iTunes 2 coming out in November? I've got 1.1.2. Am I missing something here?
  13. mr_mac_x

    Why the new exploit isn't a huge deal

    I'd just like to take credit for the "No Windows" thing...:p Go here.
  14. mr_mac_x

    Beach Screensaver

    Can anybody read the names on the back of the chairs in the beach saver? It kinda looks like Hawaii, but I'm probably mistaken.
  15. mr_mac_x

    NeXT Interface

    I agree, Sithious. And I'm on an iBook!
  16. mr_mac_x

    NeXT Interface

    Apple took it out after the Public Beta. Too bad, really.
  17. mr_mac_x

    Root in Login Window?

    Thanks, you two!
  18. mr_mac_x

    Root in Login Window?

    I know that I can have the "Name and Password Entry Fields" option, but I like "List of users" mode. The problem is that "list of users" doesn't show root.
  19. mr_mac_x

    Root in Login Window?

    I really like the login window that shows all of the users' names and lets you click on one and log in. But Root doesn't show up in that mode. I tried to get it to show up by messing around in NetInfo, but it didn't work. Is there a way I can do this? Thanks!