Search results

  1. Veljo

    Copy problem from digital camera

    It might have something to do with Finder or your camera sending a message to update the window. Just drag the whole picture folder over, then throw out the ones you don't need.
  2. Veljo

    Want to install tiger on a G3 imac 500mhz

    You should have no problem installing Tiger on your iMac.
  3. Veljo

    How to save an image enlarged?

    Give GraphicConverter a go. Not sure if it can resize images, but try it out anyway.
  4. Veljo

    New Intel iMac Network Problem!

    There's also WPA and WPA Personal protocols. Check over your neighbour's computer and see exactly what he's using.
  5. Veljo

    Does anyone know any more on the Apple cameo on PS3 website?

    Surely a demo version of Shake can't explain it, I mean Sony would've tested it before releasing it, and if they saw an Apple watermark they would've said "OK we have to fix that". I'm still thinking it's subliminal advertising.
  6. Veljo

    Mac OS X Folder Icon

  7. Veljo

    Networking between Mac OS X and Windows XP

  8. Veljo

    Weird problems

  9. Veljo

    Desk Top Freezing

    It sounds like you have some major preference file corruption. The best thing to do in this situation would be to backup everything that you can, and do a complete format. Alternatively you could try repairing permissions, then trashing your Finder preference file.
  10. Veljo

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    I've been about to video conference between iChat and Trillian since 10.4.4.
  11. Veljo

    World Cup 2006

    I watched the English game, and while they haven't played that great this World Cup, they played pretty well against Portugal. It's a shame that it had to come down to penalties, cause then it's basically all about luck. Anyway, I'm still hoping Italy get knocked out by Germany in the semis...
  12. Veljo

    Vista Devolves Further Still

    They've just delayed it way too long; 5 years is absolutely ridiculous. To me it looks nothing more than Windows XP with a new (semi-terrible) look and a few new pointless apps. And yeah, it's sad to see that after 5 years all the features that were promised are vanishing one by one. I wouldn't...
  13. Veljo

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    I don't have any third party plug-ins installed :confused:
  14. Veljo

    Have I been hacked?

    Throw LimeWire out and use Acquisition. It's much better, and I trust it more ;)
  15. Veljo

    PC user needing help with Mac...

    These guys are spot on, looks like you don't have an operating system installed. If your budget permits it, I'd look into getting a copy of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger and upgrading the towers' RAM to at least 512MB, otherwise give Panther a go (they go cheaply on eBay).
  16. Veljo

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    Has anyone had any problems with Safari 2.0.4? Sometimes if I change to another app then go back to Safari the menu will return to normal but all Safari windows will remain inactive, like they're in the background. The only way to fix it then is to quit the program and start again.
  17. Veljo

    10.5 Finder's Tabbed Browsing

    Not sure if this has been already posted in the past or not, but did anyone know that the Finder in Leopard will have tabbed browsing? I've seen a movie and some screenshots of it, but I haven't posted them here in case there were legal issues. Still cool nonetheless.