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    Sigh... thanks. Maybe what I will do is increase my RAM and see if that helps, I'm only at 512mb. I have a question about that, but will post it in the hardware section. Thanks again!
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    Hey, Does anyone know if you can get parallels for powerpc imacs? If so, where can you get it from. On their website it only has software for intel macs. Unfortunetly it is going to be a while before I can get a new intel mac, and I bought virtual pc, but it is painfully slow, and doesn't...
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    Anyone know how to...

    I'm downloading the program right now! Thanks for the info!
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    Anyone know how to...

    have your isight (I'm using the one on my imac) record only when there is motion? Is there any software that can do this? Or any settings? And is it possible to time/date stamp it? Any suggestions or ideas would be much Appreciated! Thanks
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    Quick Amsn question

    Hi, Please excuse the simple question: In Amsn, what is the difference between "no activity" and "away". I can figure out the obvious... but if someone has set their status to away, and are still at the keyboard, is that when it shows as away, or is no activity only when they went to away...
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    Thanks to all those that posted ideas. I guess I'll go for a new imac in the next few weeks, although I will try to hold off for as long as I can, just in case they have some smaller upgrades before than. I'm also hoping that I can wait it out till July-ish, so that I can get a educational...
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    Hi! I was wondering if there has been any solid ideas on when the next verious of OSX might be released. I know its always up for grabs, but if it might come out thie summer, i will probalby hold off buying a new mac untill that (and hopefully a few hardware upgrades) are release! Feel free...
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    memory upgrade for imac 2x512 or 1x1gb??

    Hi! I'm trying to price out what it would cost me for the new imacs. I was looking at upgrading the memory, it it costs the same to go from 512 to either 2x512, or 1x1gb. I was under the impression that its better to go for the one memory card, but seeing the price i might be wrong. Is it...
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    Questions for presentations in Keynote

    Hi, two questions for ya! Frist, I was wondering if anyone knew of products availble to remotely control powerpoint and keynote presentations for a 12in PB G4? Second when I have tried in the past to use keynote with two screens, and to have one show the slideshow, and one to use the cool...
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    New intel Macs

    Conroe? Is that a new system? Pardon the ignorance please
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    iwork 06 and ilife 06 Trials

    Is there anywhere other than with a new computer/tiger purchase to get a trail of ilife and more importantly iwork 06. I currently own the 05 versions, and want to see for myself if it is worth the upgrade before I spend my student loan dollars on 06. I've read the reviews, and such, but still...
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    15" powerbook vs. macbook

    Thanks for all the responses, I'm not really looking right now, as i just splurged on the 12in last summer. I used to know lots about PC, and I'm still trying to catch up on learning all about macs, this site has helped alot! Side Question, is it worth upgrading to iwork 06 from 05?
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    15" powerbook vs. macbook

    Hi, I'm a fairly new mac user. I have just switched over to a 12inch powerbook, and I love it! I do wish the screen was bigger, but it was all I coudl afford on a students budget! :) Anyways, with the lanch of the new laptops, I was wondering why Apple is still selling the 15 inch...
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    Does Apple do holiday deals?

    I've talked to a retailer off the record before, and they mentioned how apple does big marketing pushes (just ads) durning the holidays... then a little while later, the either drop prices, or upgrade the hardware. Apparently it pisses alot of people off, but the figure, keep selling the old...
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    Can Someone Post Might Mouse Install Software Please!

    Hi, I got a mighty mouse with my imac, but would like to use it on my powerbook from time to time (running 10.4.2). Without the software I can use it for two buttons and scrolling on my pb, but since the mouse came bundled with the imac, I have no install software for it for other computers...
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    Might Mouse software help please!

    Thanks for all your responses. I have tried to to use it just by plugging it in. I can use both v/h scrolls, and two buttons, but can't control the scroll button and side. I am also using Tiger. I agree its weird that apple doesn't have anything online for it. I can try those other...
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    Might Mouse software help please!

    Hi, I got a mighty mouse with a new imac. I want to use it on my powerbook as well, but the imac only came with the software bundled in the setup disk, so I can't install the mighty mouse software on my laptop. I have searched apples site for the software to no avail. I tried calling...