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  1. Hypernate

    !!!---msn Messenger 6 Mac Os X---!!!

    Proteus f***ed up my iMac. I will NEVER try to use it again. Trillian caused me to get one of my friend's contact lists when she signed on on my computer, and she got all my contacts. I will never use it again. I want a plug-in to allow iChat to work with MSN ;)
  2. Hypernate

    How do you quiet the fan on a 12" Powerbook?

    If possible, I suppose you coudl try to use the computer near an air conditioning unit. That seems to help with my iBook. Midn you, I dont think the fan has EVER come on for me unless it was on my bed, with like the material covering the vents... Do you usually use it on a desk, or soldi...
  3. Hypernate

    --make sure your keyboard is discoverable

    Are there any new drivers for your BlueTooth adapter?
  4. Hypernate

    HELP! my ipod is messed

    If it wont turn off, hold MENU and PLAY/PAUSE at the same time till it resets Then, hold OPTION and COMMAND when you plug it in when you connect it to iTunes. Keep holding till it shows up in iTunes. This will stop it from Auto Syncing. Re-install the iPod software. If all this doesn't...
  5. Hypernate

    iBook bummer

    I got a 12" G4 PowerBook and I feel pretty safe about my logic board etc. because they use the PowerBook logic boards, yeah? The fact that Apple has some defective iBooks doesn't bother me. What is annoying me is how Apple is dealing with the issue. Now, I'm aware that they don't want to call...
  6. Hypernate

    MSN Messenger 6 OSX

    iChat sucks... in Australia ;) Seriously, everyone here uses MSN, so I really only keep iChat open because I have ONE person on my list who uses iChat, not MSN... and he works for Apple... Go figure. If I could integrate MSN into iChat it would rock.
  7. Hypernate

    How many Macs do you have?

    333mHz Blue Rev. B iMac - OS X 10.2 700mHz Lamp iMac - OS X 10.3 800mHz G4 iBook 12" - OS X 10.3 Mum's - 1gHz G4 iBook 14" - OS X 10.3 Dad's - 500mHz G4 PowerBook Ti - OS 9.2.2
  8. Hypernate

    Magnesium iMac for 2004?

    The iMac wouldn't end up with the G5 feel to it, because that would move it out of the 'i' family into the 'power' family. Sure, I know that realistically, the iBook is probably more 'paired' with the eMac, but we still like to think of it as an iMac to go. Possibly pair it with the iPod, and...
  9. Hypernate

    When will iChat AV work with Windows?

    I want Microsoft to get off their @$$ and do some work on MSN for Mac. I know they don't care about it, but really, if my PC friends want to talk to me on Webcam ( I have a DV Camera that works great with iChat, they usually aren't prepared to download Yahoo messenger just to talk on Webcam...
  10. Hypernate

    i am in the market for a G4 ibook...the right choice?

    I just got my iBook G4 and I love it. I'm still running 256mb RAM because Apple screwed up thedelivery of my 512mb chip. My mother just got the 1Ghz G4 iBook, and with the same RAM as me, I don't really notice a hell of a speed difference. Mine still ldoes iMovie ok, it's great for...
  11. Hypernate

    Airport Hi-Jack

    Well, I've never set up a Snow BS, but if it's anythign like the AE ones, try this: 1. Open the AirPort Admin Utility 2. Select your Base Station from the list. 3. Press configure, and type in your password when you are asked it. 4. Now, in the window that comes up, click the Show All...
  12. Hypernate

    iSight - is it blind?

    Is there anythign for mac that will connect with Netmeeting?
  13. Hypernate

    Airport Hi-Jack

    Are you able to set the Snow stations to only use your MAC address? See if that makes a difference. Also, do you connect to the net with a DSL modem, or the internal modem. It could be possible that the DSL modem is having a chat session with the base station ;) I know my AP Extreme one...
  14. Hypernate

    MWSF Official Thread

    Unlikely they'll update the iBook just yet. They still talk about the 'New G4 iBooks' on the front page of at least the Aussie site. Usually when they update, the Australian site won't have front page ads for the product for at least 2 months before an update. More likely iMac processor...
  15. Hypernate

    Little things we love

    As a Mac user, you'll have noticed all the little things that Apple does, that just set it above anything else. Yeah, I'm sure this discussion has happened before, but maybe some comments regarding new products? I'll start with a few. When I bought both my iMac and my iBook, I thought it...
  16. Hypernate

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    I've noticed a big trend in music videos at th emoment (please don't shoot me if i've missed someone saying this!). 50 Cent, for example. Not my type of music, but lots of those artists feature iPods in their videos. Apparently Apple has a deal with some of these people. I heard that Apple pays...
  17. Hypernate

    Apple sightings on TV and movies?

    Would have to do with either not having to pay Apple for the use of the logo, or Apple not paying them to advertise. Though I thought Apple used to have a big thing about supplying computers to movies, just to get the product placement (and since they look better, it's a win win situation)
  18. Hypernate

    I Broke It!!!

    Rocoh digital cameras have it over Sony. I like Sony's designs, but Ricoh make the 'best' cameras. I dida lot of research or this, before i ended up buying film based SLR anyway
  19. Hypernate

    Supply and Demand: Apple, You Could Do Better!

    The problem for Apple is, everytime somebody tells their friends how long Apple took to deliver their computer, it enforces the negative stereotype most people have towards Apple.
  20. Hypernate

    Some changes for 10.4

    Maybe not exactly a feature request for 10.4 as such, but in iTunes, either in the version shipping with 10.4, or sooner, a field in Get Info for lyrics, and a database (such as LyricTracker) that will download lyrics as we rip the cd?