MSN Messenger 6 OSX


Now, I know many of you will have jumped at this topic thinking that there is some news/rumour that the equivalent of MSN6 for PC is coming out for Mac........well it isn't.....yet!

No one knows for sure how far MSN is going to develop on the OSX platform. I must say, I am very jealous of what PC users get with MSN!

I was thinking, how about we all write to the support enquiring about the future of MSN for OSX. This can be done quickly and simply using the support form which can be found at:

You never may make a difference! :)
I have a copy of MSN 6 on my PC and I must say it's fantastic. I wrote to Microsoft via the website above and I received a reply stating that my suggestions have been seriously considered and have been forwarded to the development team (ie. emoticons lik they have, games server, etc., just everything the PC one has now so they're on par).

Fingers crossed!
I've tried iChat and I must say, compared with MSN and its features iChat is one of the trashiest chatting programs I've ever used. Plus, everyone uses Hotmail my age (teenage) so who the hell is there to talk to on iChat?
Everyone on AIM, which is everyone I know here in the States. I know few people who chat on MSN or Yahoo more than on AIM, which is probably why iChat is compatible therewith. The fact that AOL let AIM be compatible with iChat should be commended on Apple's part, as AOL is rather picky about that kind of stuff.
Hmmmm, I didn't try msn6 yet, but what kind of features are there that makes it so much better than ichat? I am using icq and yahoo and if my friends would have ichatav too, I would kick those messengers and keep ichatav. All I need is IM, sending files and audio-video-chat..

MSN messenger 6 for Mac os X with the features of the PC version will be soon this winter.
The MSN support group said that to me
They said MSN 6 for Mac OS X is coming this winter? It's summer in Australia, so it must be winter over in the US right? Does that mean within this month/next month? Ohh, boy, fingers crossed.
iChat sucks... in Australia ;)

Seriously, everyone here uses MSN, so I really only keep iChat open because I have ONE person on my list who uses iChat, not MSN... and he works for Apple... Go figure. If I could integrate MSN into iChat it would rock.
My two cents: I hate MSN6. I'm extremely pleased with MSN 3.5 for OS X simply because it's simple, and has a nice, clean, uncluttered interface.

All these background images, voice chatting and junk are, in my opinion, a waste of just about every resource I use: hardware, software, and cerebral (to sift through all the clutter :P)

Again, just my preferences. Same reason I switched from the Mirabilis IXQ client to Icy Juice: clean and simple.
msn 6 on windows looks ugly so does 3.5 on mac. ichat av looks good. but then looks are not all that counts, i really do like the msn 6 features.. integrated gamming, themes, etc.. and all those i know use msn here heh .. so i'm hopeing for the new msn 6 for mac.. and i wish it wouldn't be so sluggish as comapred to the other im apps available for mac.
yeah i agree msn 6 is so ugly but its wat all my mates use so i need a app that supports all its features

(adium 2 now supports msn aswell and u can play tic tac toe but only with other adium players :( not msn 6 yet )
MacMan said:
yeah i agree msn 6 is so ugly but its wat all my mates use so i need a app that supports all its features

(adium 2 now supports msn aswell and u can play tic tac toe but only with other adium players :( not msn 6 yet )

I used to think it's ugly but I don't think it is anymore. MSN 3.5 for Mac is more ugly...mainly because it has NO FEATURES :o. I just want MSN 6 for Mac NOW!
I love all the msn6 features bit i think that the chat window is way to bloated it leaves so little room for the actual conversation where is ichats chat window is very basic and nice :)
I just had to laugh a little at those comments. "Everyone using AIM in the USA." And: "Everyone uses MSN here in Europe." Huh? Don't you people get that you only see this from a VERY subjective view?

Back when instant messaging was new, everyone used ICQ (there wasn't anything else...). And for a long time, I've stayed with ICQ, because it simply was the original. I then started to use Fire on Mac OS X (because there wasn't anything else actually working...) and switched to iChat, when it came about. I've switched most of my friends to iChat, but some couldn't (company firewalls etc.). Luckily, we can now add ICQ contacts to our iChat lists. And that's enough for me.

However, I don't see MS investing much into the Mac version of Messenger. There's not much to be gained any more, and iChat is just less bloated, I think.