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  1. K

    Camino Crashing !!!!!!!!!

    Nope but I fixed it, I throw away an extension inside the Quicktime Folder that was causing Camino to unexpectedly quit Thanks for your reply though !!! ....and by the way i'm still in 10.1.5 I'll just go straight to Panther when it ships
  2. K

    Camino Crashing Help!!!!!!!!

    When I try to open Camino it says that it unexpectedly quit I tried reintalling but it didn't work. I had just started using it too, it's pretty fast(I don't have Jaguar I can't use Safari)
  3. K

    Camino Crashing !!!!!!!!!

    Hey what gives ? When I try to load Camino it says that it unexpectedly quit it was working find earlier today, the last thing I did was intall DivX codec from
  4. K

    TDK DVD-R on Superdrive

    Hi guys I just wanna ask if the TDK DVD-R discs are compadible with the Apple Superdrive I need to go buy some and wanted to make sure there was no problem with them.
  5. K

    Pause Downloads

    What program can I use to pause my downloads, I just tried to download the Combo Update to Mac OS X 10.1.5 and sure enough 92% thought, my connection fails and it's over I must start all over and that F@?ß$ pised me off someone please help before I go insane
  6. K

    Combp Update

    I need to dowload the combo update to 10.1.5 whats the best way to do that on a 56k. Can I do it in Netscape Navigator I need to resume the dowload, I can't do it all at once, didn't NN have I pause button on OS 9. What shoul i do it's a huge download !!
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    .img files

    Thanks guys...... then there's probably something wrong with it I got from LW but thanks for your help
  8. K

    .img files

    How do I open .img files the disk copy won't mount the image and Stuffit Expander says I need Graphic Converter to open it but I don't have that and I couldn't fing it on the web
  9. K

    Netscape acting Stupid

    Sorry this was for OS X I was so enraged that I didn't pay attention
  10. K

    Netscape acting Stupid

    When I launch Netscape the window is too big to fit my screen how do I resize without the handle in the lower right(that ticks me off)
  11. K

    Quicktime 5.0.5

    There are some mpg's I can't view when I do a command-I and it says it can be played with Quicktime 5.0.5 where can I get that I tried the Apple website and it wasn't there and how do I play AVI's there movie files right
  12. K

    Mac mail

    Hey guys how do I get an e-mail account from yahoo to be retrived by my mail app in OS X I can't seem to get the settings right is it POP or IMAP or what
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    Epson vs. Lexmark

    I'm looking to do some basic printing so i'm considering buying either an Epson C80 or a Lexmark Z55, not sure which one is better my question is which do you guys think is better I recently heard Epson had the best technology for printers but I've also heard very good things about Lexmark i'm...
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    What's the differense between the Epson Stylus Printers, the Regular and the Epson Photo line is their a big difference when printing color Photo's the reason i'm asking is because the photo printers are a lot slowler
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    Locking the computer

    I tried putting a hot corner on my mac to enable the screen saver but it wouldn't work do u need to enable the screen locker
  16. K

    Major G4 problems !!help!!

    I intalled OS 9.2.1 but when i try to eject the disc it says"the start up disc cannot be removed from the desktop because it contain the active system software"
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    Major G4 problems !!help!!

    I'm now trying software intall when i clicked on it it said it already has os 9.2.1 so i hit reintall is that gonna work and after its finished do i restart?
  18. K

    Major G4 problems !!help!!

    it's I quicksilver tower u can't do that but I tried to go to ten again and i get a blue screen what do I do software intall cd or software restore
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    Major G4 problems !!help!!

    How can I open the CD-RW drive Manualy so I can try to reistall software the extensions are missing and it won't spit out the Zip
  20. K

    Major G4 problems !!help!!

    Okay I was trying to use OS X on one of the G4's from school... So like I do at home I booted into OS X it should have installed already but appearently it wasn't... So the computer petty much would not start and we had to reinstall everything... Okay so it worked fine for like two...