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  1. B

    It is called Mac OS X 10.0 !!!! (see n/t

    Hahahaha.. if you look at System PRofiler in OS X you will see "10.0" instead of "1.0" Later..
  2. B

    Mac OS X is GM !

    Actually OS X 10.0 the summer release will be 10.1 remember it is from 9.1 to 10.0 so it can't be frm 9.1 to 1.0 .....
  3. B

    OS X 1.0 & software

    It is called Mac OS X 10.0 not OS X 1.0 see story at
  4. B

    Modem for Os X with Blue/White G3

    those blue G3 are supposed to have internal modem.. since they released new G3 and G4 in blue/white and graphite, they all comes with 56K as standard. unless those modem were yanked out by you or someone else then you can use any USB modem and change the setting from internal modem to...
  5. B

    Help, Classic is making me nuts!

    Build 4K60 and 4K73 requires 9.1 for Classic support.. you must be speaking of the Public Beta build 1H39 which require 9.0.4 only .
  6. B

    GUI Suggestions (screenshot)

    Oh you want Dock for OS 9.. there's one called A-Dock,.. search for it on :)
  7. B

    Any news on the G4/G5 progress ?

    don't forget about MHZ Myth!!!! at macworld expo tokyo Jobs says 733mhz is like 2Ghz to Pentinum 1.5Ghz if we get 1Ghz then it is overkill (cuz it would be like a 3Ghz)
  8. B

    Will the Mac OSX final release include?

    Well Microsoft offered Personal Web Server for their MS Windows and you even can get one from them for macintosh but their PWS sucks and that Mac Personal Web Shairing is superior.. :-D althought both differ in many area like for example MS PWS supports FrontPage while Mac don't...
  9. B

    Will the Mac OSX final release include?

    If you actually visited apple's Mac OS X page you will notice that they will have personal webserver (Apache) in Mac OS X. Please pay a visit to and explore all features.. This url will tell you that Apache is...
  10. B

    My screen shots

    Looks like Apple got him too? or is his website down?? Never mind... before I posted above.. it wasn't working.. now it is working.. :-D [Edited by boult on 02-26-2001 at 12:12 AM]
  11. B

    FreePPP 2.6

    No.. FreePPP 's last version is 2.6 Rockstar has developed GearBox 1.x and it only support 8.x not 9.0 since they are focusing on GearBox 2.0 soon. Otherwise check yourself..
  12. B

    @home mail and ms explorer mouse

    I do recall being Time Warner RoadRunner customer two years ago in NY that it does not require what scruffy was talking about.. So it can be "mail" but check your tech support because there should be a alternative pop server address that you can use if you were on the road.
  13. B

    @home mail and ms explorer mouse

    can't help you with the first one but can tell you about the latter. . MS Intellipoint explorer mouse does work but to be able to use wheels.. use any cocoa apps such as mail, Omniweb or any program that is cocoa based it works but carbonized or classic, it is rendered useless since the...
  14. B

    ICQ !!!

    There is carbonized version of ICQ for Mac out now at although it is a alpha version 2.4 and it is quiet stable but need to figure how to make file transfer work and chat work too. it tells me something about firewalls? I am thrilled about ICQ for Mac being...
  15. B

    Broadband via satellite on a Mac?

    check Maccentral or MacNN for news on Satellite ISP.. otherwise try this but it says available in 2002 this is the one I am mostly interested in..
  16. B

    OS X Server confusion

    How can not show a aquafied version? currently, is showing aquafied Mac OS X Server which will be released shortly after Mac OS X comes out on March 24, 2001. Check them again!!
  17. B

    diskcopy - mounting disk images

    When you mount it.. you can't move the folder itself to application folder or anywhere.. open the folder and copy the content to a newly created folder for it to reside.
  18. B

    Iomega U Zip 250 not seen

    There you go.. that' s what I thought :-D Have fun then.. B
  19. B

    Differences Between MacOSX Beta/Client and MacOSX Server

    Yeah that's old release.. the next release will be aquafied!! go visit