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  1. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    I didn't have any problems. In fact, Safari now behaves itself (for me) with respect to gobbling memory.
  2. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    Whoa! I was planning to update to 10.11.4 this morning until I saw Cheryl's note. Was the security "fix" part of that?
  3. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    I have several accounts, but only one Apple account All the stuff arriving in the Junk folder is through that account. I can log in to iCloud and look at messages on the server. The Junk folder actually lives there and the contents is always exactly what I see via Mail. I do not...
  4. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    Since this began, with no other recourse, I have fallen into the habit of treating Junk as just another Inbox. But ... I'm now seeing a new phenomenon in this situation. At the rate of about one per day, messages appear in Junk dated two to three years ago! It's bad enough that Apple thinks...
  5. Whitehill

    Change a Plain text file to Unix Executable File

    sunando_999, I watched the video. It does not create a new file, just modifies the attributes of the original. With the executable attribute switched on, your Mac's Finder displays the icon differently. If you now issue chmod -x /path/to/your/file its icon will display as before.
  6. Whitehill

    Operate Ipad From Mac

    I do use iCloud for files, notes, contacts, calendars ... Let me elaborate ... I handle finances from my Mac. Occasionally I have to prepare a paper deposit slip with dozens of check entries. The Calculator app does have a paper tape "feature", but it's useless for this purpose. I presents...
  7. Whitehill

    Change a Plain text file to Unix Executable File

    It's the same file you started with. It just now has the magic attribute that makes it executable.
  8. Whitehill

    Operate Ipad From Mac

    My scenario is, my Mac is at one end of the house, my iPad at the other, and I am not (yet) in the habit of carrying it around with me. Occasionally, but not often enough to make this issue terribly important, I want to run an iPad app for some info to use on the Mac without making the hike.
  9. Whitehill

    Operate Ipad From Mac

    There are several options for operating your Mac from your iPad. Is there a way to do the reverse?
  10. Whitehill

    How Can I Get Apple Mail Backedup On My Hard Drive?

    I'm assuming you're talking about Mail's "archive" mbox-es. I have never used that mechanism, so I just tried it on a couple messages in two IMAP accounts. It created an archive box on the IMAP server in both cases, and copied the messages to them. I suspect without proof that it creates the...
  11. Whitehill

    Folders Turned Into Unix Files After Ejected During File Transfer

    Try this. The backslash makes the space part of the name. cd NO\ NAME ls -ld 312GOPRO
  12. Whitehill

    Folders Turned Into Unix Files After Ejected During File Transfer

    Are you Terminal-savvy? If so ... cd {insert the name of your SD volume} ls -ld 312GOPRO Paste the results back here. This will show what UNIX thinks of your file.
  13. Whitehill

    Mavericks is a major - well, rather large - disappointment.

    I upgraded to El Capitan (10.11.3) with Safari 9.0.3. Memory pressure still goes orange now and then, but Safari itself is very well behaved. No particular page gobbles memory! When I started composing this entry, it went orange but has now gone back to green all by itself. On the cpu side...
  14. Whitehill

    How To Delete Osx Lifetime Download History?

    I just ran that command on my machine running 10.10.5. It spat out around 2300 lines with no errors or warnings.
  15. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    Please see the tip in point #1 on this Micro$oft page. thungoc's post was an unattributed copy. I don't know about Vietnam, but this is called plagiarism in most countries.
  16. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    You have lost me. What is the Reading Pane of any folder? What is the View tab and the Layout group therein? Are we talking about the same program? I'm using Apple Mail 8.2.
  17. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    Yes, it's the server ( and my suspect was 3 rules I had forgotten. I created them to forward to my wife messages from 3 sources. I don't need the rules anymore, so I deleted them and, for a while yesterday, the behavior stopped, although the rules had nothing to do with the junk...
  18. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    One more interesting item I just noticed. All the junked messages are to my iCloud account. I have three non-Apple accounts and those messages seem immune. I now have a suspect and am trying an experiment. I'll report back in a while.
  19. Whitehill

    What Is Putting Mail Messages In Junk Folder?

    I'm using Mail 8.2 with junk mail filtering disabled. It's turned off because I use SpamSieve, which seems to be doing a decent job, sending lots of stuff to a spam folder, not the Junk container provided by Mail. But ... Something is placing messages in that Junk thing now and then, and...
  20. Whitehill

    Safari's New Window Size

    I'm using Safari 9.0.2 but this issue has been around a while. When I open a new window, Safari sometimes picks a weird size for it. It usually matches an earlier window that I resized manually. Is there a way to tell Safari to open all new windows with a standard size?