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  1. Whitehill

    Local network name for non-computer device.

    I found a specific solution, not general. In Safari's preferences, find the item "Include Bonjour", tick it and - Lo! - a Bonjour menu appears in the favorites bar and a Bonjour folder appears in Bookmarks. Depending on version, there may be two tick-able items to control the appearance. And...
  2. Whitehill

    Local network name for non-computer device.

    That link does open up. Well, it did after I ran "cupsctl WebInterface=yes". There's lots of stuff there that I have never been involved with, at least from that POV. But it doesn't do what I'm looking for. Let me try to rephrase. Without running a complete name server and incurring all...
  3. Whitehill

    Local network name for non-computer device.

    Thanks so much. If I may politely inquire ... Bonjour or Hello-How-Are-You or the broad side of Job's barn, what do I place in Safari's address box to access the printer's web server?
  4. Whitehill

    Local network name for non-computer device.

    It's an OKIDATA C331DN with an internal web server for configuration, etc. It allows me to change its full name and short name. Currently they are OKI-WXYZ-E6C0F6 and WXYZ. My router is a Linksys WRT320N and I have reserved the IP address with a client name WXYZ. I'm running 10.9.2. If you...
  5. Whitehill

    Local network name for non-computer device.

    I just added a new ethernet printer to my local network. The printer grabbed an IP address from DHCP and works perfectly. All is well when accessing it as a printer. Let's say its short name is "wxyz". Now I want to access it's web page by pointing Safari at it. I can do it by typing in...
  6. Whitehill

    Restarting Safari

    I have to restart Safari at least once a day to relieve its memory pressure. When it restarts, it opens all the windows that had been open when it quit. But it opens all of them on desktop #1. I use several desktops and keep a few Safari windows on them. Is it too much to hope for that...
  7. Whitehill

    Mail goes to iPad, not to iMac.

    It cured it, but only temporarily. I tried Cheryl's trick on the iPad, but have not yet noticed any difference.
  8. Whitehill

    Mail goes to iPad, not to iMac.

    I have an Apple email account, It dates way back to the .Mac days. Mostly I use it on my desktop iMac machine, but my iPad also sees it. Recently something weird (to me) has begun. Very infrequently, a message appears only on the iPad, not on the iMac. As far as I can tell...
  9. Whitehill

    RIP Adobe Workspaces

    I haven't looked at any of those, but I will. Thanks.
  10. Whitehill

    RIP Adobe Workspaces

    I already use DropBox for personal stuff, sync-ing among several systems and users. We're all signed up with DB and it's fine. But I manage a website which receives anonymous visitors, and I don't want to force them to us DB or anything else, just to see the contents of a PDF. With Adobe...
  11. Whitehill

    RIP Adobe Workspaces

    I made my annual visit to Adobe to update some files, and found a grim notice. They are shutting down their Workspaces feature at the end of 2014 and advising all users to copy out anything we want to keep. I didn't read all the fine print, but I suspect they're moving to a subscription model...
  12. Whitehill

    "Return Address" Label maker

    It's all of my job. For mail merge label printing, Address Book is adequate for my needs.
  13. Whitehill

    "Return Address" Label maker

    Appleworks won't run on Mavericks. I suppose I should have mentioned that I need an Intel-Mac solution. I have played with Word (2004 & 2011) and Pages ('09 and latest) enough to get royally frustrated. But, no, I have not seen any option to print a full page of labels, except for the first time.