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  1. Rhisiart word association!

    Pax (Eirene in Greek)
  2. Rhisiart

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Imaginary Day - Pat Metheny Group
  3. Rhisiart word association!

  4. Rhisiart

    I'm still using iWeb but have a problem

    Does anyone know how to import web files created in iWeb back into iWeb so that I can make some changes (yes, being a complete clot I managed to delete the site from iWeb, but need to get it back into it). Thanks.
  5. Rhisiart

    Problem trying to reinstall Windows 7 on Bootcamp

    Sometime ago I had Windows 7 installed on my Macbook Pro via Bootcamp. For reasons I can't remember, several months ago I did a clean install of the Macbook, thus deleting everything. I reinstalled Snow Leopard, then Lion and eventually Mountain Lion when it came out. I tried this evening to...
  6. Rhisiart

    Problems with Macbook Pro

    Nothing connected, except the power cable. Will do. Thanks!
  7. Rhisiart

    Problems with Macbook Pro

    The cause code is -128 I have "Put HD to sleep whenever possible" unchecked I see the login screen as when the system is set to do that from sleep. I need to hold for 5 seconds. Yes, but then I often get the message that this computer was not shut down properly.
  8. Rhisiart

    Problems with Macbook Pro

    Yes (it says HD is OK, but I ran repair anyway) - but it makes no difference in terms of the problem. Actually I was incorrect to say that I need to reboot every time when the error message displays (i.e. your computer did not shut down properly), but it still takes me back to the initial log...
  9. Rhisiart

    Problems with Macbook Pro

    If I close the lid of my Macbook Pro whilst it is booted up and then lift the lid again I have to press the power button to get it back to life and a message comes up saying I didn't shut down the computer properly and I have to reboot. Sometimes this also happens if the Macbook Pro goes to...
  10. Rhisiart

    Mabook Pro will not boot up into Recovery HD

    Many thanks. That worked. I wonder why simply holding down the Option key at start up doesn't work though?
  11. Rhisiart

    Mabook Pro will not boot up into Recovery HD

    When I hold down the option key when booting up my Macbook Pro, the Recovery HD option does not show. Does anyone have a work around solution please?
  12. Rhisiart

    Two iCloud passwords??

    Yes, I did it via the web site.
  13. Rhisiart

    Two iCloud passwords??

    Someone hacked our family Facebook account. Facebook suggested I changed my password for my email account ( I did this successfully. The weird thing is that my main computer is now set up with the new password but my Macbook Pro will only accept my old password. I'm confused as...
  14. Rhisiart

    What are your hobbies

    Despite George Lazenby's wooden acting I would say 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' was by far the best Bond movie.
  15. Rhisiart

    Macbook Pro woes

    I have Mountain Lion installed. I am getting kernel panics and I can't boot up into the repair partition when I hold down the alt key when booting up. Any suggestions?
  16. Rhisiart

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Talking of cities, here's a Liverpool joke. The Pope is handing out miracles to sick kids in Liverpool. Billy walks on stage and asks him, "Can you help me with my hearing?" The Pope says "Yes" and puts his hands on Billy's ears and prays, removes them and says, "How is your hearing now?"...
  17. Rhisiart

    MP4 quality

    Thanks Deltamac. I'll experiment as you suggested and reply on a day or two.
  18. Rhisiart

    MP4 quality

    I'm just curious. I have a number of music video downloads from YouTube that I have converted to MP4 format. I always set the conversion settings from flash to MP4 at 'High Quality'. Yet many of my MP4 files are degrading over time, i.e. they convert well with high quality definition...
  19. Rhisiart

    Safari 6 vs Firefox 14

    Since I upload Safari 6 I have had no end of troubles with sites not downloading properly. Streaming is a nightmare. So I have switched to the latest version of Firefox where none of the problems present themselves. I just miss Safari's Reading List. Anyone else have any issues with...