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  1. D

    What is the most popular Hard Disk Name?

    Drive 0 Drive 1 (My Main disks) Media Disk (for my movie files I am working with) Firefly (my external FW HD) Ooooops (My small partition with a clean X install just in case I mess something up bad!)
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    AIM and 10.1.5 dont mix

    my computer won't go into sleep mode/turn off monitor when AOL IM is open. I moved to Adium (and switch back to AOL IM to swap files)
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    Faulty Memory

    I seem to remember on one of the mac sites a link about a new study showing that total cost of ownership for macs was lower... I can't find it anymore :'( Can anyone help?
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    10.1.5 and FW Hard Drive

    My job often requires that people be able to find me fast. I leave an away message so that they know where I went and when I plan to be back. :D
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    10.1.5 and FW Hard Drive

    Well. I ran through everything I could think of: Reinstall Remove 2nd Graphics Card Remove all Firewire stuff Then I starting quiting apps. As it turns out, if AOL IM is on, my monitor won't go to sleep. :( I like AOL IM.... *sigh* But I like the smoother GUI that 10.1.5 seems to...
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    10.1.5 and FW Hard Drive

    Since upgrading to 10.1.5 anytime a firewire cable is plugged into the back of the machine, my G4 won't go to sleep or even put my monitors to sleep... anyone else having this trouble?
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    Epson PhotoPC650 camera using USB JumpStart by

    The camera uses compact flash cards. The camera will read both the reguarl compact flash cards and the USB comapct flash cards. Sadly, the camera has no port that a new mac can easily use, so you need an external card reader. A USB reader will read only USB Compact Flash cards, not the...
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    Epson PhotoPC650 camera using USB JumpStart by

    I own this camera, and sent e-mail to Lexar when 10.0 was out asking when they thought the driver would be coming (their website said "few coming months"). That was a long time ago... if you go to you'll see that not only have they not...
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    Let's hope that apple has something like this in the works....

    I think whether you like/dislike the device has something to do with how you view the future of computers. My roommate loved it, but he wants a device that does everything all in one computer, which is why he really wants and iPaq or some other Windows CE PDA - it's like a mini computer, and he...
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    Tried to find... Picture Thread

    this is more what I had in mind: I found it like 10 seconds later, grrrr
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    Let's see if your real face looks better than your desktop. Post your pic!

    me (20 yo University of Michigan Student.. in case you care)
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    Tried to find... Picture Thread

    I tried to find it... what does everyone look like (and I don't mean the "post a pic" thread... I don't need to see your cats or your xbox ;) ) If it is here, sorry, I tried to find it! swear, I did!
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    Your Mac-- Male or Female? :)

    the two macs I've had have both been girls a lime green imac (Lisa) and my current DP450 (Selma). My windows machine I just call stupid motherf****r.
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    Wireless PCI Cards

    or, another idea, can anyone reccomend a good USB wireless device that will work with both MacOS (classic) and windows?
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    Wireless PCI Cards

    I have to add a few computers to my wireless network at home. I tried searching the site, and looking at other sites but I can't find: 1) PCI Cards that use 802.11b (they are usually PCI adapters for PC cards) 2) a PCI card that will work with an older PowerMac (G3 450 Mhz... I am 99%...
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    Keybaord cleaning

    How'd you get the keys off.... they seem damn hard to take off my my apple pro keyboard.
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    iTunes oddities

    Any idea how to fix the iTunes problem using and LCD? I mean it played fullscreen as a FULL screen in 10.0.2 or so. But with newere versions of X I get the black bars at the top of the screen. I know it can be done, buy why is apple not doing it?
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    iMovie just crashed I want to kill someone!

    an App crashing and losing stuff isn't so bad compared to what has been happening to my room mate's Dell computer using Office XP and Windows XP. He "saves" his file, but the feature actually wasn't working. So he is saving all along, writing a huge paper for the end of the semester (it's due...
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    Firewire enclosure problems

    Ok, I figured it out. The drive needed to be set in the "master" position. I had it set incorrectly and didn't know it. I bought a cheap-o enclosure that usest the Oxford 911, and has external power. It was dirt cheap but comes with no manual and worthless drivers. But it worked...
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    WMA8 vs MP3 death-match

    From what I have listened to, .wma files sound about as good the .mp3 version, but at almost half the size. This is good because: 1)Getting a HUGE 20 GB hard drive to hold thousands of MP3s is just too much money! 2) Portable MP3 Players only hold like 16 MB so instead of fitting *4* mp3s...