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  1. Z

    Single Link Multihoming

    Has anyone succesfully configured a single-link multihoming setup with Mac OS X 10.0? I couldn't get the system to respond on any address besides the main IP. This appears to be a problem with Apple's Network control panel, because I easily got it working using the command line programs...
  2. Z

    HELP- X.0! Grey'd out drive on Walstreet--NO INSTALL

    Had this same problem on my Beige G3/266. Make your OSX partition the first 8GB of the disk. It can't be any larger than 8GB because the ENTIRE partition must be contained in the first 8GB of the disk. HTH.
  3. Z

    A little OS X Question

    You can partition during install. On the first screen, BEFORE you select your desired language, click on the File menu and go to "disk setup.." or something like that. It's drive setup and disk first aid so you'll know what to do.
  4. Z

    MacOS X on Beige

    Ah, ok I'll try that later. My first partition is 17GB so obviously it isn't in the first 8 GB of the disk. Thanks. Heh, I'm at work now on a Dual 450 and I have to go home to my G3/266. Argh!
  5. Z

    MacOS X on Beige

    that sucks, I installed the Public Beta and Build 4k17 this way and they worked fine. So they TOOK OUT support for installing on >8 GB partitions?
  6. Z

    MacOS X on Beige

    sorry no tips for ya, but I have another problem! :) Here goes: Installation starts fine, booting of the cd and all.  I click through all of the screens fine until I come to the Select Destination screen.  All of my disks are greyed out!  I can't select any of my disks for installation...
  7. Z

    Does anyone know how easily OS X will fit in a common Windows office network?

    AppleshareIP and MacOS X Server have windows networking compatibility. The new version of OSX server will be very attractive for people in cross-platform networks (including me). Plus, all those server tools are fun to fool around with! Gotta shell out the cash though...
  8. Z

    Dual 733

    griffman, SOMEBODY will sell an add-on card. I doubt Apple will because the second they have enough supply of 733's to ship duals, they will. I don't think they will wait until they can also ship an add-on card. I'd look for it from XLR8 and company 3 or 4 months after the dual 733's...
  9. Z

    Dual 733

    If they come out in April/May, I'm shelling out the dough! How 'bout you guys?
  10. Z

    Why I know pedantic mac users are a new phenomenon

    ITS OH ESS TEN FOR GOD SAKES. 8, 9, Ex? No, 8, 9, Ten!
  11. Z

    Deep Fried Mac.. with cheese

    try zapping the pram, if you can even get that far. hold down command-option-p-r at startup. Otherwise, I'm too tired to guess any more suggestions
  12. Z

    Window Managers

    Gnome doesn't yet work. It requires a bunch of linux libs that must be tweaked and recompiled for PPC/BSD support. I have XFree86 4.0 running on my OSX (4k17) with the Afterstep window manager. Other window managers that I have seen include twm (puke) and enlightenment (I think you have to...
  13. Z

    Insight into gcc, zlib, etc. on recent builds?

    There's a version of the Dev Tools that works with the later builds. Where to get it...? ? :)
  14. Z

    PROJECT : how to acknolege Apple

    I'm up for it....sign me up! I say we do it as a petition with a standard message to the people at apple. Kinda like one of those petitions...except in the form of a thank you. I dunno seems like a good idea.
  15. Z


    you might try putting the mount command in the .cshrc file in your home directory (its invisble). HTH.
  16. Z

    I simple OS X question.

    it only moves stuff into a folder if you install OSX onto the same partition os OS9.
  17. Z


    I think Net2phone is either considering or actively working on Mac support. I dunno about OS X tho.
  18. Z

    List of software?

    Why is it that Plug-ins will have to be carbonized? Plug-ins simply have to adhere to Adobe's plug-in API, right?
  19. Z


    you can use mount go to terminal and type man mount
  20. Z

    4K73 Install Demolished my .app icons

    Macinator, This is a known issue when installing over a previous install. If you reinstall and check the clean-install option, all will be fine. You might just try re-installing over it again and see if that fixes it.