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  1. C

    APPLE script help Please!!!

    Scaryfish: thanks!! paste reference is very cool.. I still can't get the exact syntax to work yet.. the path is correct, but how do I tell the "DVD player" to open the "TS_FOLDER" and then tell it to play it at full screen ( because the DVD player by default doesn't automaticly start...
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    APPLE script help Please!!!

    Please help a newbie-apple-scripter out.. :) I just want to have a simple little apple script to launch a DVD movie folder that is stored on my HD.. basicly, lets say I have a bunch of DVD's copied on to the HD for play back ( I don't yet, but I will later ) I want a simple apple script .app...
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    iTunes 3 crazy preformance boost

    no no.. I have great song play-back.. seamless, no drop-outs..( i LOVE the fade-between very nice...) I mean the visualizer "hick-ups" between songs.. it stops for 1-2 sec while the song transitions.. it should be smooth...
  4. C

    iTunes 3 crazy preformance boost

    yea, iTunes3 vis is a LOT more smooth.. BUT it still pauses between songs ( annoying) AND full screen, it lost its neat fade effect ( fade on, fade out ) hope they fix... ;) still cool
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    No PowerMacs @ MW ? and so ?

    I posted this is the another thread, but I will repost.. is saying the same thing, and they aren't a rumor mill... but I still hold out hope for faster powermacs.. (pasted from link) MSNBC is saying 17inch iMac's, new iTunes, The...
  6. C

    no PowerMacs @ MWNY? (, thinksecret, macrumors) is saying the same thing, and they aren't a rumor mill... but I still hold out hope for faster powermacs.. (pasted from link) MSNBC is saying 17inch iMac's, new iTunes, The new Power Macs will pack processors in excess of 1.2GHz...
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    Dialup PPP: regular disconnects.

    this totally sounds like a problem I had. I went through a ton of different things, and it came down to a voltage spike / bad phone line.(stupid little cable) I just replaced it, been good ever since. and make sure your ISP provides you with a optional DNS number.. it can help..
  8. C

    SparkME & iTunes

    If you just drag the song(s) from itunes to the desktop, then drag the song(s) into sparks, edit then save the edited song(s) from sparks as a .aiff(s) --(Each song as a separate .aiff) on the desktop, you can just drag the new .aiff(s) into itunes and then from itunes, burn a music cd...
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    Silk: Quartz anti-aliasing in ALL Carbon apps.

    this is AWESOME!! very cool.. U ROCK!!!!!
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    Maya PLE works in OSX 10.1.5

    For those that wish to know.... Maya PLE will install correctly and work in 10.1.5 it didn't in 10.1.4 ( I never heard why..) :D
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    OmniWeb window resizing

    Set your window the way you want then go to Browser menu and at the bottem is "Save window size" works for me!
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    ‘Copy-proof’ CDs not copy proof.

    This is Soo funny.. they still don't have a "secure" copy-proof cd " Technology buffs have cracked music publishing giant Sony Music’s elaborate disc copy-protection technology with a decidedly low-tech method: scribbling around the rim of a...
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    OmniWeb 4.1b5 vs. b6

    hmm.. Can't say I agree.. i am running b6 and it is the fastest version I have downloaded.. I am on G4-800/56k, and there is a big difference.. B6 is the best for speed for me especially when clicking links because it is the first one that when you click a link, (and the entire web page is...
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    Bitchin Fast Video Card

    that is FUNNY!! :) hahaha I love it.. I am sure i can fit it into my iMac....
  15. C

    Using function keys as "shortcuts"?

    I hear ya. I tried quick keys, but I just wanted a simple hotkey app.. my favorite is Youpi key.. it is really great. Does everything I need, AND it doesn't put another icon in the dock, its icon is up on the top right of the screen by the clock.. Go here to download.. it is FREE...
  16. C

    Scanning under OS X

    Yeap, Vuescan is the scanner way for MacOSX --- I have the Umax Astra 6400 FIREWIRE Scanner, and i love it!! I tell you, if you get a scanner, go firewire, WAYYY quicker!! the Umax Astra 6400 is only $100( go to ) -- that is a great price for a firewire scanner..
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    Hard Drive

    hmm. mine works fine.. your dragging it from the finder to the right side of the dock correct?? it won't go in the left.. Applications on the Left, folders and directories on the Right!! :)
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    re-designed ipod/summer

    I would personally love to see interchangeable battery packs.. so I could have one battery pack in a charger and one in the iPod, and when I need to, just swap them out.. other than that, i think it is a great device!! ( still dreaming for my ipod --- I look forward to see a new design...
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    Maya won´t run!

    I have the same problem.. and the answer.. Quote from Alias-Wavefront PLE -- FAQ page. Q: Does Maya Personal Learning Edition work with Mac OS X 10.1.4? A: Maya Personal Learning Edition will not install correctly on some systems running Mac OS X 10.1.4. The installer does not report...
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    Can't see CD burned by windoze

    Hey elmimmo, u ROCK!! you hit it right on the head.. :cool: I put that file in extensions and booted up in 9, read the CD no problem.. very cool.. and I even learned a couple new things.. ( for the record, this cd is the ONLY cd I have run across that OSX couldn't read.. ) Thanks...