Maya won´t run!



Now I tryed several tomes to install the learning edition of Maya for OSX.
The installer will not run directly, I´ve to manually quit processes. Then it runs but it won´t work anyway.
The first to windows pops up, then it´s dead! This is not it, then I was going to unistall..............but that was more or less the same story.........
Maya will require you to install as Admin. If you are, then it "should" install fine. Just thatnk your stars that you aren't installing Maya complete, which requires that you install, then log in as root to install your Maya Key to make it run.
I have the same problem.. and the answer..

Quote from Alias-Wavefront PLE -- FAQ page.

Q: Does Maya Personal Learning Edition work with Mac OS X 10.1.4?
A: Maya Personal Learning Edition will not install correctly on some systems running Mac OS X 10.1.4. The installer does not report any errors, but Maya will not run. You may subsequently encounter difficulty with uninstalling the software. At this time we cannot suggest any workaround. The issue is being actively investigated by both Alias|Wavefront and Apple. Until further notice we strongly recommend that you do not attempt to install Maya on 10.1.4. We will post an update to the FAQ once we have further information. We apologize for the inconvenience and will inform you as soon as we have a solution.

Q: How do I un-install Maya Personal Learning Edition on Mac OS X 10.1.4?
A: Maya Personal Learning Edition, is not installing correctly on some OS X 10.1.4 systems. If you have encountered problems with Maya Personal Learning Edition on Max OS X 10.1.4, you may not be able to un-install the software successfully. Alias|Wavefront is aware of this problem and we are working with Apple to solve it. We will be providing you a solution as soon as we can. Please refer to the Maya Personal Learning Edition FAQ for further details and updates. We apologize for the inconvenience and will inform you as soon as we have a solution.