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    The Mac OS X Server (only server version) use a GUI interface for configuring all kind of servers (http, ftp, AppleTalk...). Sorry, I can not give more complete help becose I don't have it. Check on the Apple web site:
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    Ftp are configurated by GUI

    The Mac OS X Server use a GUI interface for configuring all kind of servers (http, ftp, AppleTalk...). Sorry, I can not give more complete help becose I don't have it. Check on the Apple web site:
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    Mininal Gnome

    I want to test gnome on my Mac OS X. XFree, XDarwin, gtk+. I use only a phone modem and I don't want to download all Gnone system, I want to download the minimum and complete them with custom program, ex.: 2 or 3 games, Gimp and others. Just list the minimum. Thanks...
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    Install Linux without format

    I can partitioning my hard drive without losing my Mac OS X data, because I want to install Linux for check it. I don't want to backup up to 20GB of data on CD's. On my old computer (Centris), I have a utility named Silverlining Pro and can do it on SCSI partitions, but not in IDE drives, do you...
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    Edit Keymap

    :confused: I use a Canadian-CSA and I want to edit the "," on the keypad for the ".". On the old system, I have used Numbers control panel, but on MacOS X, in the International panel, I change the "," for a ".", AppleWorks and others decimal numbers show with the "." but the keyboard always...
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    4-speaker sound on a G4

    I have plugged a JVC Sound system with the surroud system on my iMac and it's a true Sourroud system with some games. Exemples: Unreal Tournament (with Surround audio checked), Quake, etc.
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    Big Connection Problem

    I have re-install the system for correct-it.
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    Big Connection Problem

    I have used a Terminal application and it has bugged. I kill "Terminal" with Apple-Option-Escape. Anothers applications work correctely, the start of application are very slow (about 5 min. for start it). I click Disconnect and the button "Connect" not return and always show "Disconnecting" (I...