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  1. Ifrit

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    It works now. My friend (on a Windows PC) was able to see my isight video stream (without stuttering) and he heard me talk. Suprisingly I was able to see his video feed - although the quality wasn't that good - the reason is his cheap logitech webcam I presume.
  2. Ifrit

    Mac OS X 10.4.7 released.

    Finally, the ichat audio/video conversation problem with non ichat users has been fixed in this update. If I attempted to connect to users with a Trillian client and engage a video/audio conversation I always got "insufficient bandwidth" messages, although no other program were transmiting or...
  3. Ifrit

    The MacBook is out

    You use the Mini - DVI port for that purpose (almost has the shape of an usb port - maybe thats the reason for you confusion). Then you plug an adaptor in it which has a DVI or VGA out. I am sure that at least one adaptor is already included. Something I want to know - is the mini - DVI/VGA out...
  4. Ifrit

    The MacBook is out

    This is the same thing I thought - "If they update the pro line to the next version, maybe the equivalent to the ibook will get the same graphic card specs which was present in the latest Powerbook models." Fortunally they didn't cut features. I remember being disappointed with the low spec...
  5. Ifrit

    The MacBook is out

    Of course I know that - I am just disappointed that a fine machine is crippeled in the video department. Personally I wouldn't miss the isight if Apple decided "to bump" the GPU instead. There are some application which benefit from a decent GPU - 3D modeling applications for example, or the...
  6. Ifrit

    The MacBook is out

    Please no, I know these screens from the Sony Vaio line - my colleague calls them "computer with integrated rear-view mirror". If the ceeling illumination is at a certain degree or if it is to bright you can't see anything (besides your reflection - great for shaving BTW, but I don't think most...
  7. Ifrit

    ipod phone

    The only smart phone which is worth my money is the Treo 650. But you can't go wrong if you use the Palm OS UI. ;)
  8. Ifrit

    Whats the best way to use 2 IPods on 1 IMac?

    I don't know what exactly you are trying to say - I think you mean the compatibility problem of using HFS formated iPods on Windows systems: This depends on the iPod's filesystem. You can't use a HFS+ (mac) formated iPod on Windows PC, thats true (not without third party applications like...
  9. Ifrit

    Whats the best way to use 2 IPods on 1 IMac?

    No that isn't true at all. The setting "update manually" is stored _on_ the ipod. iTunes doesn't prompt to wipe the ipod if it finds this setting and the according value. Don't try to assume something. My friend is able to plug in his ipod into my mac mini and to drag the song he wants from my...
  10. Ifrit

    Whats the best way to use 2 IPods on 1 IMac?

    You could always set the ipod to update manually. This way you can plug it in into friend's computer drag the songs you want from itunes and still use it with your computer (although only in manual mode - otherwise songs which aren't in your itunes library get deleted)
  11. Ifrit

    New Stuff on 28th

    I have to agree. Yesterday I replaced the internal 40GB HD of my mac mini G4 with a Samsung 80GB 7200RPM HD. It really feels much snappier, most applications launch within one bounce and the additional HD space is a blessing. I just wonder why Apple insists to keep the 40GB HD. The new mac...
  12. Ifrit

    New Stuff on 28th

    I am impressed that this device actually supports core image/video applications. (front row is using core image etc.) Shared memory, I'll pass this one up. Hopefully the next iBook model features "dedicated" video RAM.
  13. Ifrit

    Will Apple drop OS X in favour of Windows?

    I don't know why everyone gets excited about DirectX. As far as I know its mainly a layer which allows direct access to certain HW components on Windows systems for "multimedia purposes". (not counting the Direct3D API) It can't be ported (it wouldn't even make sense) to OSX or other platforms...
  14. Ifrit

    iPod video converter??

    As far as I know iSquint is also based on ffmpeg.
  15. Ifrit

    Having Problems with iPod Video

    You are right. The syncing function is part of the OS in 10.4 (a service running in the background I believe), while in 10.3 its just an external application (isync).
  16. Ifrit

    New Newton? *yes please*

    Hm, maybe I misinterpreted your last post. I just meant Palm isn't dead _now_. But after you brought out the facts I am not to sure about the lifespan of Palm devices anymore (see, arguing on the Internet isn't always like special olympics... ;) ) Even I don't use a "first party" Palm device...
  17. Ifrit

    does shuffle only work on one comp?

    You can always set the ipod to "manage my music manually" in the ipod preference pane in itunes (click on the ipod icon when your shuffle is connected to your computer). The setting is saved on the 'pod, so itunes will never ask you again if you connect it to another computer. This enables you...
  18. Ifrit

    New Newton? *yes please*

    Palm isn't going south nor it is ditching Palm OS in favour of Win Mobile. The deal is following: A phone company/provider ordered the Treos from Palm. The only requirement was that the Treos should run the Windows mobile OS. This means that Palm had guaranteed sale of thousends of units. The...
  19. Ifrit

    How do I get the Apple DVD Player??

    VLC is a cross platform app. This means it might not work as elegant > you have to start it manually. In order to start playing a DVD with VLC you need to select following from the app menu (if I remember correctly): Files > Open Volume > Select the "DVD with menus" radio button and klick on the...
  20. Ifrit

    Software Equivalents

    There was an psx emulator called Firestorm for Mac OSX. But I don't know if it is still in development. For other emulators visit: I can't agree 100% with this statement. It might be that viri don't exist for OSX but you can still pass viri created for the Windows OS to...